一﹑本週經文Scriptures: 撒母耳記(上)二:4-7  1 Samuel
4 勇士的弓折斷,跌倒的人以力量束腰。5 飽足的人作雇工求食;飢餓的人也不再飢餓。 不生育的生了七個;兒女多的反倒孤獨。6 耶和華使人死,也使人活,使人下陰間,也使人往上升。 7 耶和華使人貧窮,也使人富足;使人降卑,也使人升高。
4 “The bows of the warriors are broken, but those who stumbled are armed with strength. 5 Those who were full hire themselves out for food, but those who were hungry are hungry no more. She who was barren has borne seven children, but she who has had many sons pines away.  6 “The Lord brings death and makes alive; he brings down to the grave and raises up. 7 The Lord sends poverty and wealth; he humbles and he exalts.

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:
1. 宣教禱告- 為以色列禱告:以色列中央統計局在去年12月25日發表一份報告,以色列的基督徒人口相較去年成長了2%,目前該國境內共有1.9%的基督徒,代表基督人口數達到18萬5千人。其中,75.8%是阿拉伯裔,占了阿拉伯在該國人口的近七成。為以色列福音的拓展禱告,求主興起更多的教會與基督徒,來向以色列境內的猶太人及阿拉伯人傳福音,也為再次執掌以色列政權的納坦雅胡,所領導的極右派政府禱告,以色列國內許多聲浪憂心,這會打壓宗教弱勢團體的權益。而基督徒,很可能成為被針對的其中一個族群。為著以色列基督徒人口持續成長感恩,願上帝在末後的世代持續做成祂的工。
Pray for Israel. The Central Bureau of Statistics published a report on December 25, 2022. The Christian population in Israel has grown by 2% compared to last year, and there are currently 1.9% of Christians in the country. Representing the number of Christians reaching 185,000. Among them, 75.8% are Arabs, accounting for nearly 70% of the Arab population in the country. Pray for the expansion of the Gospel in Israel. We pray that Lord raises up more churches and Christians to preach the Gospel to the Jews and Arabs in Israel, and also pray for the far-right government led by Netanyahu, who is in charge of the Israeli regime again, Israel Many domestic voices are worried that this will suppress the rights and interests of religiously disadvantaged groups. And Christians are likely to be one of the targeted groups. Pray for the continued growth of the Christian population in Israel, and may God continue to do His work in the last days.

2.為海峽兩岸關係禱告:求主賜下和睦之心給兩岸政府領袖,並有智慧保守歷任朝代所努力建立的和平關係。求主幫助兩岸三軍統帥和國防領袖們 ,能認識人的渺小和有限,轉而謙卑尋求 神,並且他們尋求就必尋見。
Pray for Taiwan and China relations.  May the Lord give the leaders of the governments on both sides of the Taiwan Strait a heart of harmony, and wisdom to preserve the peaceful relationship that successive dynasties have worked hard to establish. May the Lord help the commanders-in-chief and national defense leaders on both sides of the strait to recognize the insignificance and limitation of human beings, and turn to humbly seek God, and they will find when they seek.

3. 為新冠病毒停止變種禱告:新的新冠病毒亞變種XBB.1.5在全球引起擔憂,它正在美國等地迅速傳播,引發新一輪感染潮。最近,在最近中國疫情大爆發的情況下,世界也開始擔心這一變種加速傳播,甚至帶來二次感染。求主使新冠病毒停止變種,並阻止XBB.1.5病毒給全球帶來的威脅。
Pray for the coronavirus to stop mutating.  The new subvariant XBB.1.5 of the new coronavirus has caused concern around the world. It is spreading rapidly in the United States and other places, triggering a new wave of infections. Recently, under the outbreak in China after the lockdown, the world has also begun to worry about the accelerated spread of this variant and even secondary infections. Pray that the Lord will stop the mutation of the new coronavirus and prevent the threat of the XBB.1.5 virus to the world.

4. 為教會禱告:教會在近期,即將開設會員班及各項同工訓練及門徒訓練課程,求主使用這些課程裝備門徒使他們也能繼續因著裝備更被主使用。
Pray for the Church.  Starting next week, the church will open membership classes and various co-worker training and discipleship training courses. May the Lord use these courses to equip disciples so that they can continue to be used by the Lord.

5. 為肢體禱告:為你所知道身體欠安的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復身體的健康。
Pray for the Sick. Pray that the Lord would heal those who are sick and restore their health and strength.