一﹑本週經文Scriptures: 彼得前書4:7-8  1 Peter

7 The end of all things is near. Therefore, be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray.
8 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:
1.請列國禱告:為土耳其及敘利亞大地震後的災後安置與重建禱告。土耳其於2月6日強震之後,2月27日在土耳其東南部有發生5. 6級地震。這兩次的地震造成土耳其高達超過340億美元的損失,及150萬人無家可歸。由於當地天氣惡劣,餘震頻傳造成災後的重建與對受災人民安置的困難。求神憐憫土耳其,讓神的愛能大大的充滿這個國家,安慰人心中的恐懼及擔憂。
Prayer for Turkey and Syria. Pray for the resettlement and reconstruction after the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. After the earthquake in Turkey on February 6, another earthquake of 5.6 magnitude occurred in southeastern Turkey on February 27. The two earthquakes caused Turkey more than $34 billion in damage and 1.75 million people were left homeless. Due to the bad weather in the area, frequent aftershocks caused difficulties in reconstruction and resettlement of the affected people. May God be merciful to Turkey, so that God’s love can greatly fill this country and comfort people’s fears and worries.

Pray for children’s congregation.  In the post-pandemic era, the number of children in Sunday schools is facing a crisis of decline. The proportion of children and teenagers in churches is getting lower and lower. 33% of churches have suspended children’s Sunday school services. Pray to the Lord to turn the next generation from secular values, to truly experience God, to put worship of God at the top of their lives, and to restore and revive children’s Sunday School.

3.為福音事工禱告:A.教會的春季幸福小組已於3/5開跑。在教會有大組,還有一個家庭小組。求神賜給我們的同工信心、愛心及堅持,繼續邀請 BEST能夠持續參加。也為各環節能有足夠的同工來協助禱告。B. 為「懷相一對一」福音事工禱告。自從裝備課程之後,已經有些同工邀請「對課」的新朋友,求神讓我們有信心踏出第一步,藉著懷相課程可以領人歸主。
Pray for Outreach Ministry. A. We are starting Happiness Group on March 5th. There is one combined group in church and one family group. May God give us more strength, faith and love that can help us to continue inviting new friends. Pray that we will have sufficient coworkers to run the program. B. Pray for the “D2B”ministry. Some brothers and sisters have already invited friends and family to the D2B lesson. May the Lord give us a faithful heart to use the D2B lesson to lead these people to become believers.

Pray for the care ministry of the church. The care department of the church has had a lot of renewal and training this year. Many new friends and families have attended the Chinese and English worship services recently. It’s not just about welcoming new friends by co-workers. Pray that all the brothers and sisters will have a welcoming and hospitable love, take the initiative to greet, care for, and follow up with new friends, so that they can feel the warmth of home, and prepare their hearts to know and seek Jesus.

Pray for the Sick. Pray that the Lord would heal those who are sick and restore their heath and strength.