一﹑本週經文Scriptures: 撒母耳記上24:17-18  1 Samuel

17-18 掃羅對大衛說:「你比我公義;因為你以善待我,我卻以惡待你。你今日顯明是以善待我,因為耶和華將我交在你手裡,你卻沒有殺我。」
17 “You are more righteous than I,” he said. “You have treated me well, but I have treated you badly.
18 You have just now told me about the good you did to me; the LORD delivered me into your hands, but you did not kill me.

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:
Prayer for the revival of our churcha. May brothers and sisters long to renew our lives through prayer, be equipped by the truth, and walk together as disciples of the Lord.

Pray for children’s ministry.  In Ages 4 to 14 years old is the golden window when children are most open to the gospel.  We pray that children will come to church, be eager to learn God’s words, and experience God’s love.

3.為福音事工禱告:A.春季幸福小組即將進入第三週,願聖靈充滿每一位同工滿有愛心、信心和盼望陪伴帶領Best,也為Best禱告,經歷神的愛和引導,接受耶穌基督做他們的救主和生命的主。B. 在「懷相一對一」傳福音裝備課程之後,已有同工邀請「對課」的新朋友,求神帶領我們藉著懷相課程領人歸主。
Pray for Outreach Ministry. A. Happiness group is about to enter its third week. Pray that the Holy Spirit will fill every co-worker with love, faith and patience. Pray that the guests will experience God’s love and guidance and open their hearts to accept Jesus as Savior.  B. Pray for the “D2B” ministry. Some brothers and sisters have already started their D2B lessons. May the Lord use D2B to lead people to Christ.

Pray for the care ministry of the church. Many newcomers attended church recently. We pray that brothers and sisters will take the initiative to care for them and invite them to join the fellowship. We pray those friends can feel the warmth of God’s loving family and prepare their heart to know and seek Jesus.

Pray for the Sick. Pray that the Lord would heal those who are sick and restore their heath and strength.