一﹑本週經文Scriptures: 耶利米哀歌 2:5-7 Lamentations
5 主如仇敵吞滅以色列和錫安的一切宮殿,拆毀百姓的保障;在猶大民中加增悲傷哭號。 6 他強取自己的帳幕,好像是園中的窩棚,毀壞他的聚會之處。耶和華使聖節和安息日在錫安都被忘記,又在怒氣的憤恨中藐視君王和祭司。 7 耶和華丟棄自己的祭壇,憎惡自己的聖所,將宮殿的牆垣交付仇敵。他們在耶和華的殿中喧嚷,像在聖會之日一樣。
5 The Lord is like an enemy; he has swallowed up Israel. He has swallowed up all her palaces and destroyed her strongholds. He has multiplied mourning and lamentation for Daughter Judah. 6 He has laid waste his dwelling like a garden; he has destroyed his place of meeting. The Lord has made Zion forget her appointed festivals and her Sabbaths; in his fierce anger he has spurned both king and priest. 7 The Lord has rejected his altar and abandoned his sanctuary. He has given the walls of her palaces into the hands of the enemy; they have raised a shout in the house of the Lord as on the day of an appointed festival.

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:

Pray for Bhutan. Bhutan is a country where the Gospel is difficult to spread. The government has restricted non-Buddhist activities, buildings and celebrations. Although the constitution guarantees the freedom of religion for the people of Bhutan, once they convert to Christianity, they lose citizenship and many rights. We ask the Lord to protect the small number of local Christians and open the door of the Gospel in Bhutan.
Pray for Disciple Class. The church will offer a Basic Doctrine course for new believers in late May. Please pray for the teachers and pray that the ten-plus new believers would faithfully join this class in order to lay a good foundation for their faith.
3.為VBS、暑期短宣計畫及行程禱告:請為6/12-16舉辦的暑期兒童聖經學校禱告,求神藉帶領家長及孩童能夠透過VBS的活動認識神,也為6/22-7/8即將前往吉爾吉斯、台灣台中、7/30-8/4El Cajon的短宣隊禱告,願主加添信心與能力給所有團員,使他們能放膽傳福音,勇敢事奉,得以見證主的道;願團隊有合而為一的心,使當地的人看見神的作為。
Pray for VBS and Summer Short Term Mission Trip. Please pray for the VBS to be held from 6/12-16. Pray that God will lead parents and children to know God through the VBS program. In addition, pray for the Short Term Mission team that will go to Kyrgyzstan, Taichung, Taiwan from 6/22-7/8, and El Cajon from 7/30-8/4. May Lord give them faith and strength, so that they can be bold to share the gospel and serve people in different cultural; may the team have a united heart to serve the Lord.
4. 為肢體禱告:為你所知道身體欠安的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復身體的健康。
Pray for the Sick. Pray that the Lord would heal those who are sick and restore their health and strength.