一﹑本週經文Scriptures: 馬太福音7:12 Matthew
12 所以,無論何事,你們願意人怎樣待你們,你們也要怎樣待人,因為這就是律法和先知的道理。
12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:
Pray for Pakistan.  Pakistan has a total population of 240 million people, 95% of whom are Muslim. The attack on Christians and churches is extremely serious. Pakistan ranks seventh in the persecution of Christian countries. Let us pray for Pakistan, and ask the power of the Holy Spirit to enable the people to hear and understand the Gospel.

2. 為暑期短宣隊禱告:短宣隊於7/2-8在台灣台中關愛教會、7/22-29台灣西海岸、7/30-8/4 El Cajon,求神保守他們身體健康,合一的靈充滿他們,同心合意向當地學生見證主耶穌,願神感動學生接受耶穌成為他們的救主。
Pray for Summer STM. 7/2-8 Taiwan Taichung Caring Church, 7/22-29 Taiwan West Coast, 7/30-8/4 El Cajon). May God keep their bodies healthy and fill them with a spirit of unity as they witness to the local students about the Lord Jesus. Pray that God will move the students to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior.

3. 為靈修習慣禱告:求神幫助弟兄姊妹養成每天讀經禱告的習慣,利用「活潑的生命」或其他靈修材料,每一天分別出一段安靜的時間,讀神的話語,禱告親近神。讓聖靈改變我們的生命,好結出聖靈的果子,合乎主用,為主見證。
Pray for church. Pray that God would help brothers and sisters to have a quiet time with the Lord daily. People would regularly spend time in reading His word and praying in order for the transformation of their lives. As a result, they would bear spiritual fruits good for the witness of God.

4. 為新信徒禱告:為最近半年內受洗的新信徒禱告,求神給他們渴慕神的心,接受造就,學習神的話語,學習凡事禱告交託神,堅持努力在真理上扎根成長。求主藉著團契小組裏成熟的弟兄姊妹帶領這些新信徒,引導幫助他們,持續聚會,好讓生命不斷成長改變。
Pray for the New Believers.  Pray for those who were baptized in the past six months would study the bible and pray constantly in order to take root and grow in their faith.  Pray also that they would join groups besides Sunday service for a normal Christian life.

5. 為肢體禱告:為身體欠安的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復身體的健康。
Pray for the Sick. Pray that the Lord would heal those sick and restore their health and strength.