一﹑本週經文Scriptures: 約翰福音1:12 John
12 凡接待他的,就是信他名的人,他就賜他們權柄作 神的兒女。
12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:
1. 為日本禱告:日本是世界第三大經濟體,也是科技與消費商品的佼佼者。儘管日本是一個高度富裕的社會但是她也面臨著像高墮胎率、高自殺率、低生育率這類的問題使得日本社會瀰漫著焦慮與絕望的氛圍。雖然教會在日本是絕對小眾,但是日本教會持續將神的愛介紹給日本民眾使他們得以找到生命的盼望。為日本教會能堅持傳福音讚美神,為日本教會能藉著福音使更多人找到心靈的醫治與盼望禱告。
Pray for Japan. Japan is a global leader in technology and consumer goods and boast the third largest economy in the world. Japanese society faces a number of social issues such as a high abortion rate, high suicide rate, and low birth rate. This has brought about an atmosphere of anxiety and hopelessness to an otherwise prosperous nation. Though the church in Japan is small, it is faithfully working to show Christ’s love to the Japanese people so that they can find hope in Him. Pray for the church in Japan to bring healing and hope to the people through Christ’s love. Praise God for the small population of Christians who are faithful to the Lord.

2. 為宣教士禱告:為教會支持所在美洲、亞洲的宣教士禱告。求神保守這些宣教士有身體健康,與神有美好的關係,在宣教區宣揚福音引人信主,造就門徒,拓展神在地上的國度。
Pray for Missionaries.  Pray for the missionaries supported by our church and stationed in America and Asia. Pray for their health and their relations with the Lord. Pray also that they would bring many people to the Lord, and disciple them to advance the Lord’s kingdom on earth.

3. 為教會復興禱告:求神復興祂的教會,使他們滿有聖靈的充滿,恆切禱告,常常敬拜,熱心查考聖經,團契分享,同心合意興旺福音,見證耶穌,彼此相愛,幫助有需要的人,將神的愛傳給人。
Pray for Revival.  Pray that the Church would be filled by the Spirit as to pray consistently, worship without ceasing, study the bible earnestly, fellowship frequently, preach the gospel in one accord, witness to Jesus, love one another, and help the needy.

4. 為主日學老師禱告:為八月台華語聯合成人主日學的老師們禱告。求神使用這些老師,造就教會的弟兄姊妹在與親人相處溝通上更進步,好建立基督化的家庭,榮耀主,為主做美好的見證。
Pray for Teachers.  Pray for our Sunday school teachers. Pray that the Lord would use them to help the church grow in the knowledge of Him as to live a life for His glory and witnesses.

5. 為肢體禱告:為你所知道身體欠安的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復身體的健康。
Pray for the Sick.  Pray that the Lord would heal those who are sick and restore their heath and strength.