一﹑本週經文Scriptures:箴言3:11-12 Proverbs
11 我兒,你不可輕看耶和華的管教,也不可厭煩祂的責備;12 因為耶和華所愛的,祂必責備,正如父親責備所喜愛的兒子。 神面前來的人必須信有 神,且信他賞賜那尋求他的人。
11 My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline, and do not resent his rebuke, 12 because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:
Pray for the explosion at the Pingtung factory in Taiwan. Pray for those who lost loved ones and for healing for those who were injured in the fire caused by the explosion at the Pingtung Science Park factory on 9/22, including the firefighters and employees. May the Lord also expose the illegal factories that endanger public safety in various places, improve the safety systems in each region, and grant wisdom to relevant government agencies to significantly enhance workplace safety and reduce tragic occurrences.

2.為幸福小組禱告:今年秋季的幸福小組已經於 9/24 陸續登場,有一些小組在家中舉辦,有一些將在教會舉辦。請為各小組的籌辦禱告, 求神祝福同工們和人際關係網的朋友互動融洽,並且帶出愛的關懷、溫馨的服事,使人心柔軟、敞開。也請為幸福小組的預備與BEST的邀請禱告。
Pray for Happiness Group. The Happiness Groups for this fall started on 9/24, with some groups being held at homes and others at the church. Please pray for the preparation of each group, asking God to bless the coworkers and friends in their interpersonal relationships, to bring out love and warmth in their service, and to soften and open their hearts. Also, pray for the invitation from BEST.

Pray for Children’s Sunday School. Pray for those teachers and helpers who are willing to serve children and dedicate themselves to training and preparation to become quality children’s ministry workers. Pray for teachers who have loving hearts, understand, and accept each child, allowing them to enjoy Sunday school. May every child accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and the Lord of their life.

Pray for the preparation of the 2023 Congregational Meeting and the newly appointed elders and deacons. The nominations for elders and deacons for the 2024 term were approved during the elder and deacon meeting on 9/24. May God bless the elders and deacons who will take office (or continue their service) next year and grant them a spirit of unity, spiritual wisdom, and love to govern the church together. May there be enough workers for each ministry to thrive and develop.

Pray for the Sick. Pray that the Lord would heal those who are sick and restore their heath and strength.