本週經文Scriptures:箴言21:2 Proverbs
2 人所行的,在自己眼中都看為正;惟有耶和華衡量人心。
2 A person may think their own ways are right, but the Lord weighs their heart.

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:
Pray for the Slovenia. Slovenia is small country in Central Europe that boasts Alpine mountains, thick forests, and historic cities. It was a part of Yugoslavia for some time, but after World War II, it gained independence after a brief war. The Catholic church is the largest religious group in the nation, but spiritual apathy is on the rise. Even though there is a small evangelical population, it is distinctly divided according to ethnic lines. Most churches do not have a full-time pastor and are in need of financial support. Praise God the beautiful natural and cultural resources Slovenia has been gifted with. Pray that the church would unite to fight spiritual apathy with the power of the gospel. 

Pray for the happiness group. The Happiness Group outreach campaign ends on Nov 19. Seven of the BESTs would receive their baptism on Nov 26 and Dec 3. Pray that the Lord would strengthen their faith and growth in their faith through discipling. We pray they would soon share the gospel with other people. Pray also for those BEST who have made their decision for the Christ, but have not received their baptism. Pray that they would continually come to church and eventually receive their baptism.

Pray for Children. Thank God that eleven children are taking their baptismal class. Pray that they would grow in the Truth, and follow Jesus steadfastly. We pray the Lord would change their heart and let their lives be a beautiful testimony for Him.

Pray for Prayer Ministries. Pray that the Lord would raise up His church to devote in prayer. The Lord would revive His church through prayer. Pray that besides daily personal prayer, everyone would also pray in groups at least once a week.

Pray for the Sick. Pray that the Lord would heal those who are sick and restore their heath and strength.