一、本週經文Scriptures:歌羅西書3:1-4 Colossians
1 Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 3 For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ, who is your[a] life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:

1. 為美國禱告:看著美國黨派紛爭、民心撕裂、道德滑落、治安敗壞,讓我們一起為美國禱告。讓我們為當權者禱告,為總統禱告,為參眾兩院議會主席禱告,為州長、市長禱告,為教會能在美國再次得到復興禱告,讓教會被復興,能興旺福音使福音改變美國來禱告。
Pray for America. Watching the partisan conflicts, societal divisions, moral decline, and deteriorating law and order in the United States, let us pray together for America. Let us pray for those in power, for the President, for the leaders of the Senate and the House of Representatives, for governors and mayors. Let us pray for the revival of churches in America, that they may experience renewal and prosperity, spreading the gospel to bring about positive change in the United States.

2. 為最近受洗的弟兄姊妹禱告:感謝主,這期的幸福小組剛結束,我們有許多BEST受洗,我們也看到英文及兒童堂,陸續都有受洗班正在進行。特別為這些新受洗的弟兄姊妹禱告,求主憐憫,讓教會不僅僅是領人受洗,教會的焦點是受洗後,如何使這些新受洗的信徒,繼續成為跟隨耶穌的門徒。求主讓我們聚焦不僅僅只於「有多少基督徒」,而在於「教會能訓練出什麼樣的基督徒」?那就是一群一生為主而活跟隨耶穌的基督徒。
Pray for newly baptized sisters and brother. Praised the Lord that we witnessed many individuals experiencing the joy of baptism. Currently, baptism classes are ongoing for those who are yet to be baptized. We pray for these newly baptized brothers and sisters, asking the Lord for His mercy, that the focus of the church goes beyond just leading people to baptism. May the church’s emphasis be on how these new believers, after baptism, can continue to grow as disciples following Jesus. We pray that the church, under the Lord’s guidance, doesn’t only count the number of Christians but is dedicated to training and nurturing a community of disciples who live their lives for the Lord and follow Jesus faithfully throughout their lives.

3. 為2024年教會各項計畫及事工禱告 :求主賜給教會有一個合一並清楚的異象,在傳福音與門徒訓練上能夠盡心竭力 ,讓我們透過各樣方式,同心合意興旺福音!祈求主賜智慧,帶領更多弟兄姊妹透過創意來領人歸主,也讓教會透過公益行善,來祝福社區有需要的人!我們祈求恩典的主賜下智慧與謀略,復興洛福教會,在社區及城市中宣揚耶穌基督,發揮影響力,撼動黑暗勢力 ,拯救更多的靈魂。
Pray for the programs and ministries of the church in 2024.  Pray for a united and clear vision for the church, and dedicated wholeheartedly to spreading the gospel and discipleship training, and that we will be united in our efforts to promote the gospel through various means! We pray that the Lord will give us the wisdom to lead more brothers and sisters to Christ through creativity, and that the church will bless the needy in the community through charity work! We pray that the Lord of Grace will give us wisdom and strategies to revitalize the church, to proclaim Jesus Christ in the community and the city, and to make an impact to shake the power of darkness and save more souls.

4. 為新的長老執事團隊禱告:在10月份我們已經選出新一年度的長老及執事的團隊。求主賜下智慧、恩典、能力,使長執團隊能在不同的恩賜中學習互相幫助、彼此配搭,在事奉中成長,知道每一位長執都有合一的心,並且知道每一位同工都是被主呼召來服事教會的。
Pray for New Elders and Deacons. We have selected the team of Elders and Deacons in October. Pray the Lord to grant wisdom, grace and ability that executive team can learn to help, coordinate each other with different gifts, grow in service, and have an untied heart.

5. 為肢體禱告:為你所知道身體欠安的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復身體的健康。
Pray for the Sick. Pray that the Lord would heal those who are sick and restore their heath and strength.