一﹑本週經文Scriptures: 馬可福音3:35 Mark
35 凡遵行 神旨意的人就是我的弟兄姊妹和母親了。」
35 Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:
Pray for Morocco. Ever since its independence in 1956. Morocco has been a stable and influential presence in its region. They have a monarchy, and the king is head of state and religion. All who are born in Morocco are considered Sunni Muslim. The constitution guarantees freedom of religion, but Christians are usually monitored and sometimes imprisoned. Thus, many Christians gather in secret to avoid conflict. As estimated two thousand Moroccan believers meet in house churches scattered around the nation, making it difficult to be united. Pray for unity among the house churches scattered through the nation. Praise God for Moroccan believers who gather in each other’s houses.

Pray for New Believers. Pray for those new believers baptized in November or December 2023. We pray the Lord would give them a craving heart for basic doctrine training in order to grow in their spirituality ready for advanced spiritual training.

Pray for Christian Education. Pray for the adult and children’s Sunday School teachers. We pray the Lord would use them to help brothers and sisters have a better knowledge of the Truth and become ready to serve the Lord. Also, we pray everyone would devote himself to receiving training no matter how long he has been in the Lord.

Pray for Elders and Deacons. Pray for our 9 elders and 25 deacons. We pray that they would have a good relation with the Lord through regular daily devotion. Also, we pray they would make a good use of their gifts in further development of our church. Finally, they would partner in spreading the gospel.

Pray for the Sick. Pray that the Lord would heal those who are sick and restore their heath and strength.

1.改變我,改變世界 SOP
2.讓世界看見希望 泥土
3.回應詩歌:讓世界看見希望 泥土