一﹑本週經文Scriptures: 詩篇 50:23 Psalm
23 凡以感謝獻上為祭的便是榮耀我;那按正路而行的,我必使他得著我的救恩。
23 Those who sacrifice thank offerings honor me, and to the blameless I will show my salvation.

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:
Pray for the Germany.  The German government has drafted a new law on “self-determination”. In the future, adults will be able to decide or change their real names and genders on their household registrations and passports: Teenagers over the age of 14 can also change their real names or genders as long as they have parental consent. In the name of freedom and human rights, Germany violates the truth. Let us pray together and ask the Lord to turn them back from their sins.

Pray for the outreach ministry of Happiness Group.  Pray for the love, faith, unity and humble service of the co-workers, pray for the work of the Holy Spirit in the meetings, May the Lord’s Holy Spirit continue to work in the hearts of every seeker, that they would feel loved in the group, and may accept Jesus as their savior.

3.為復活節聚會禱告:3/29是Good Friday Service, 3/31是復活節主日。禱告弟兄姊妹預備自己的心,再思耶穌基督為我們的受難和復活,提醒我們感恩的心和對復活的盼望。英文堂和兒童堂分別有受洗班,禱告慕道友可以認識真理,遇見耶穌,受洗成為神的兒女。
Pray for Easter gatherings.  3/29 is Good Friday Service, and 3/31 is Easter Sunday. Pray that brothers and sisters will prepare their hearts, think again about the suffering and resurrection of Jesus Christ for us, and remind us of our grateful hearts and hope for resurrection. There are baptism classes in the Harvest LA and Children Congregation. We pray that seekers can know the truth, meet Jesus, and be baptized to become children of God.

Pray for the Mandarin-speaking student group.  This is the youngest group in the Mandarin Congregation. It is composed of some Mandarin-speaking middle school and high school students, including Christians and seekers. Pray that co-workers will serve them with wisdom and love, and pray that these young people will not only have fun and find friends in the gathering, but more importantly, learn about faith and build a new life in Christ.

Pray for the Sick. Pray that the Lord would heal those who are sick and restore their health and strength.