一、本週經文 Scriptures: 羅馬書5:6 Romans
6 因我們還軟弱的時候,基督就按所定的日期為罪人死。
6 At just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.
二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:
1. 為馬提尼克禱告:馬提尼克島是法國屬地,其國家元首為法國總統。 它長 80 公里,寬 35 公里,雖然是法國最小的領土之一,但卻是人口最稠密的領土之一。 如今,歐洲和非洲人後裔佔其人口的大部分。 馬提尼克島的基督徒(佔人口97%)大多是天主教徒,但也有一小部分福音派基督徒。 許多基督徒來自功能失調的家庭或是有犯罪或吸毒的背景。 祈求上帝醫治家庭,並打破犯罪和吸毒的綑綁。 讚美神賜予宗教自由,使教會能自由事奉。
Pray for Martinique: Martinique is a territorial collectivity belonging to France, and its head of state is the president of France. It is 80 kilometers long and 35 kilometers wide and, though it is one of the smallest French territories, it is one of the most densely populated. Today, people of European and African descent account for most of its population. Most of the Christian (97% of its population) in Martinique are Catholic, but there is a small evangelical presence. Many Christians come from dysfunctional families or a background of immorality and drug abuse. Pray for God to heal families and for the chain of immorality and drug abuse to be broken. Praise God for the freedom of religion that allows churches to minister freely.
2. 為美國教會禱告:美國基督徒的比率正在降低當中,根據皮猶研究中心的調查2020年有65%的成年人表明他們是基督徒,而2001年時有81%。求神興起祂的教會,更熱心傳揚福音,不論是對成年人或青年人,使基督徒佔人口的比率止跌回升,再使美國成為一個基督徒佔人口絕對多數的國家。
Pray for the US Church: The percentage of Christians in the US population is declining. According to a Pew Research Center survey, 65% of adults said they were Christians in 2020, compared with 81% in 2001. Pray that God will raise up His church and spread the gospel more enthusiastically, whether to adults or young people, so that the proportion of Christians in the population will stop falling and rebound, and the US will become a country where Christians make up the absolute majority of its population again.
3. 為幸福小組禱告:為今年春季七個幸福小組的同工們禱告,求神賜他們合一的心在他們中間一起興旺福音,求神賜下喜樂在他們中間,愈服事愈喜樂。為BEST能繼續參加幸福小組禱告,求神感動他們,接受耶穌基督做他們生命的主。
Pray for Outreach Groups: Pray for the members of this spring’s seven outreach groups. Pry that the Lord would grant them unity when preaching the gospel. Ask God to grant joy among them to a degree that the more they serve, the joyful they will be. Pray for the seekers to continue to participate in the outreach groups and ask God to move them to accept Jesus Christ as the Lord of their lives.
4. 為VBS禱告:今年的VBS訓練已經開始。今年有將近40人參與VBS事工。求神保守這些弟兄姊妹,盡心接受訓練,給他們對靈魂的負擔,使用他們在本會六月的VBS外展本地的學童,也在七月份的吉爾吉斯、台灣台中、El Cajon短宣中,將福音介紹給這些地方的學童與青少年。
Pray for VBS: This year’s VBS training has begun. Nearly 40 people are taking part in the VBS ministry this year. Pray that God will protect these brothers and sisters, give them a burden for souls, receiving training with all their heart, and use them to reach out to local schoolchildren in our VBS in June. Also, the Lord would use them to spread the gospel to schoolchildren and teenagers in our short-term missions to Kyrgyzstan, Taichung, Taiwan, and El Cajon in July.
5. 為肢體禱告:為你所知道身體欠安的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復身體的健康。
Pray for the Sick: Pray for the brothers and sisters you know who are in poor health, and ask God to heal them and restore them to good health.