一、本週經文 Scriptures: 列王記上2:2-4 1 Kings

2 「我現在要走世人必走的路。所以,你當剛強,作大丈夫, 3 遵守耶和華─你 神所吩咐的,照著摩西律法上所寫的行主的道,謹守他的律例、誡命、典章、法度。這樣,你無論做甚麼事,不拘往何處去,盡都亨通。 4 耶和華必成就向我所應許的話說:『你的子孫若謹慎自己的行為,盡心盡意誠誠實實地行在我面前,就不斷人坐以色列的國位。』
2 “I am about to go the way of all the earth,” he said. “So be strong, act like a man, 3 and observe what the Lord your God requires: Walk in obedience to him, and keep his decrees and commands, his laws and regulations, as written in the Law of Moses. Do this so that you may prosper in all you do and wherever you go 4 and that the Lord may keep his promise to me: ‘If your descendants watch how they live, and if they walk faithfully before me with all their heart and soul, you will never fail to have a successor on the throne of Israel.’

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:

1. 繼續為幸福小組禱告:此次幸福小組已邁入第四週,各組皆有BEST已經表示願意接受耶穌。在接下來的幾週,為他們得著 best 靈魂禱告,求聖靈幫助同工在關懷及禱告中,能有效破除BEST生命中被蒙蔽的謊言、綑綁各種拒絕神啟示的攪擾,加添同工夠用的能力及恩典,有效摧毀仇敵的工作。
Pray for Happiness Group. The Happiness Group has entered its fourth week, and individuals referred to as BEST in each group have already expressed their willingness to accept Jesus. In the coming weeks, pray for them to obtain the heart of BEST. Ask the Holy Spirit to help coworkers effectively break through the lies and bondage that have blinded the BESTs in their lives, to dispel various disturbances that reject God’s revelation, and to add sufficient strength and grace to coworkers. Pray for the effective destruction of the enemy’s work.

2. 為教會的One Church Day 活動禱告:求主使用One Church Day 活動來連結不同堂會的弟兄姊妹,求主保守One Church day 當天天氣,場地,服事同工及各樣準備工作都順利,也願教會的弟兄姊妹在那天能夠儘量參與,使得這個活動能使教會更加合一,也更加彼此相愛與認識。
Pray for the One Church Day event. May the Lord use the One Church Day event to connect brothers and sisters from different congregations. Pray that the Lord will safeguard the weather, venue, service workers, and all preparations for One Church Day, ensuring everything goes smoothly. Also, pray that the brothers and sisters of the church can participate as much as possible on that day so that this event can foster greater unity within the church and deepen love and mutual understanding among members.

3. 為肢體禱告:為你所知道身體欠安的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復身體的健康。
Pray for the Sick.  Pray for the brothers and sisters you know who are in poor health, and ask God to heal them and restore them to good health.

4. 為台灣西海岸禱告:黑暗權勢透過偶像繞境,每年更新跟土地的立約關係。西海岸媽祖繞境是台灣最大規模的繞境活動。不僅僅繞境沿路各鄉鎮的各類廟宇彼此結盟,台灣各地民眾、商家、企業、媒體、政府機關、學校⋯等等也藉著贊助費用、迎橋、祭拜等儀式,每年更新與黑暗權勢的立約關係。而藉著約,黑暗權勢更可以放肆壓制蹂躪土地上的百姓。求主興起西海岸中的教會及所有屬神的子民,成為戰爭的軍隊、代禱的勇士,祝福我們的祭壇能越來越興旺,並且帶出神的權能來,也求主行奇妙作為,來釋放西海岸的百姓,能大批轉向,來信靠耶穌。
Pray for the West Coast of Taiwan. Dark powers engage in idol processions, renewing their covenant with the land each year. The Mazu processions along the West Coast are Taiwan’s largest-scale procession events. Not only do the processions form alliances among temples in various towns and villages along the route, but people, businesses, corporations, media, government agencies, schools, and others across Taiwan also renew their covenant with the dark powers through sponsorship fees, bridge receptions, worship rituals, etc., each year. Through these covenants, the dark powers can freely oppress and ravage the people on the land. Pray that the churches and all God’s people on the West Coast will rise up as an army of warfare and warriors of intercession. May our altars be increasingly prosperous, bringing forth the power of God, and may the Lord perform miracles to release the people of the West Coast, causing many to turn and trust in Jesus.

5. 為海地禱告:2010年的海地大地震,再到2021年時任總統無預警遭刺殺,10多年來持續動盪不安,海地人民陷入巨大危機。近日因幫派暴力國內陷入癱瘓數週,總理被迫請辭下台。事實上,海地的社會動盪與幫派猖獗有著密切關係。過去數十年來,海地政府擔心發生軍變,宣布解散軍隊,並和黑幫勢力結合,配合祕密警察制度進行恐怖統治。請為海地局勢及當地人民平安代禱!
Pray for Haiti. From the devastating earthquake in 2010 to the assassination of the president in 2021 without warning, Haiti has been in continuous turmoil for over a decade, plunging its people into a tremendous crisis. In recent days, due to gang violence, the country has been paralyzed for weeks, and the prime minister has been forced to resign. Haiti’s social unrest is closely related to rampant gang activity. Over the past few decades, the Haitian government, fearing a military coup, dissolved the army and allied with criminal gangs, cooperating with a secret police system to carry out terror rule. Please pray for the stability of Haiti and the safety of its people!