一、本週經文 Scriptures: 列王記上22:14 1 Kings

14 米該雅說:「我指著永生的耶和華起誓,耶和華對我說甚麼,我就說甚麼。」
14 But Micaiah said, “As surely as the Lord lives, I can tell him only what the Lord tells me.”

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:
1. 為瑞士禱告:瑞士以阿爾卑斯山的美景、政治上永久中立聞名於世,同時瑞士也是全世界人均所得最高的國家之一。瑞士在改教時代曾產生偉大的改教家像慈運理和約翰加爾文,但是今天瑞士的主流教會人數在減少當中因為這一代的年輕人紛紛尋求其他的屬靈經歷。有鑑於此,不少福音機構正在嘗試以能回應當前年輕人關心的議題的方式傳福音。請為瑞士這一代的年輕人禱告,求神讓那些尋求其他屬靈經歷的年輕人明白只有耶穌才是他們屬靈上唯一的滿足。為那些嘗試另類傳福音策略的基督徒感謝神,求神使用他們傳福音的方式,帶領人信主。
Pray for Switzerland. Switzerland is famous for its beautiful Alps, neutral political standing, and being one of the wealthiest countries in the world. This nation has produced great Christian reformers like Ulrich Zwingli and Johon Calvin. Today, many of the established churches are seeing a decline in attendance as younger people seek the newer spiritual experience. In view of this, many Christian agencies are developing new ways of spreading gospel that address modern-day issues. Pray for those who seek spiritual experiences to realize that Christ alone can satisfy. Praise God for the Christians who are finding new ways to share the good news.

2. 為教會復興禱告:美國教會會友年齡老化、流失,不管是在主流教會或是移民教會都已經成為一個明顯的趨勢。求神興起祂的教會為教會復興禱告,使祂的教會熱心傳福音帶人信主,藉著年輕人所關注的議題,使用合適年輕人的語言,帶領這一代的年輕人歸主。
Pray for Revival. The aging and loss of church members in the United States has become an obvious trend in both mainstream churches and immigrant churches. Pray that the God would raise up His church to pray earnestly for church revival, so that His church can enthusiastically preach the gospel and lead people to the Lord. Pray that the Lord would give His Church wisdom to win young people over to faith by using language suitable for them and issues that they concern.

3. 為短宣經費禱告:今年教會有VBS,吉爾吉斯,台灣台中,台灣西海岸,El Cajon五個同文化、近文化、跨文化短宣隊,一共有近六十人次參與,預計需要超過五萬美元的經費,求神供應短宣所需要的經費,使在遠處的人可以藉著我們的短宣聽到福音。
Pray for STM. This year the church will send off five short-term mission (STM) teams: VBS, Kyrgyzstan, Taiwan Taichung, Taiwan West Coast, and El Cajon. Nearly 60 people involve in STM. It is estimated that more than 50,000 US dollars will be needed. Please pray that God will provide all our financial needs, so that people near and afar can hear the gospel.

4. 為VBS禱告:06/10-14的VBS即將開始,今年將招收60位學童,目前已有50位兒童報名,求神幫助我们能招收到滿額的學童。請為參與VBS所有的服事人員禱告,求神讓他們有智慧與愛心帶領小朋友們從各種活動中認識耶穌。求神讓大多數的父母都留下來參加同時間的兒童教養講座,學習以合神心意的方式養育自己的孩子。
Pray for VBS. This year’s VBS is from June 10 to 14. We have sixty spots. Pray that all these spots would be taken by the end of next week. Pray also for those serving in VBS. May the Lord give them wisdom and love to lead the children to the Lord through different activities. Pray that parents would stay for the parenting workshops to better their knowledge and skills in rearing their children.

5. 為肢體禱告:為你所知道身體欠安的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復身體的健康。
Pray for the Sick. Pray for the brothers and sisters you know who are in poor health, and ask God to heal them and restore them to good health.