一、本週經文 Scriptures: 彼得後書1:5-6   2 Peter

5 正因這緣故,你們要分外地殷勤;有了信心,又要加上德行;有了德行,又要加上知識; 6 有了知識,又要加上節制;有了節制,又要加上忍耐;有了忍耐,又要加上虔敬。
5 For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 6 and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness.

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:
1. 為台海兩岸平安禱告:求主成為我們的保障和盾牌,更是我們唯一可依靠的!面對台海兩岸局勢及環台軍演,求主的恩惠平安臨到其中,減少衝突發生的可能,讓台海局勢更加和平與穩定。求主持續在各地興起禱告守望者,透過禱告來守望台海平安,不容仇敵有任何可能攻擊,阻止任何的謊言、爭端以及血氣的混亂。
Pray for the peace of the Taiwan Strait. We pray that the Lord will be our refuge and shield, our only source of reliance! In the face of the Taiwan Strait situation and the surrounding military exercises, we pray for the Lord’s grace and peace to prevail, reducing the possibility of conflicts and bringing greater peace and stability to the region. May the Lord continue to raise up prayer watchmen everywhere, who will intercede for the peace of the Taiwan Strait. We pray that the enemy will have no opportunity to attack, and that any lies, disputes, and chaos will be stopped.

2. 為父親禱告:6/16是一年一度的父親節,我們特別為教會所有的父親們禱告,求主賜給爸爸有憐恤兒女的心,這種憐恤不僅供應生活的需要,更是在屬靈生命的餵養上,賜給父親們有屬靈權柄,幫助他們用神的話,在聖靈的引導下建造家庭,帶領妻子和子女。求主賜福每位父親身體康健,病痛得醫治,軟弱得剛強。在家裡分擔家務,在教會裏參與服事。讓已從職場退休的父親們,更成為家和教會的祝福。幫助還在職場奮鬥努力的父親們,有智慧、有能力、將一切的重擔卸給神,經歷主所賜那出人意外的平安。
Pray for all the fathers. June 16th is Father’s Day, and we’ll pray for all the fathers in the church. We ask the Lord to grant fathers a compassionate heart toward their children, a compassion that not only meets their physical needs but also nourishes their spiritual lives. May the Lord endow fathers with spiritual authority to help them build their families with God’s word and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, leading their wives and children. We pray that the Lord blesses each father with good health, healing from illnesses, and strength in their weaknesses. May they share in household chores at home and participate in service at church. Let retired fathers become even greater blessings to their families and the church. Help fathers who are still working to have wisdom and strength, to cast all their burdens on God, and to experience the peace that surpasses all understanding granted by the Lord.

3. 為青年禱告:求神興起年輕一代,成為分別為聖的拿細耳世代,不發怨言,常說造就人的話語;不隨從世俗的文化,不落入情慾的網羅,而是選擇聖潔的國度。求神以異夢、異象帶領青年世代進入命定與呼召!
Pray for the younger generation. We pray that God will raise up the younger generation to be a set-apart Nazirite generation, who do not complain but speak words that edify others. May they not follow worldly culture or fall into the snare of lust, but choose to be a holy nation. We ask God to lead the youth into their destiny and calling through dreams and visions!

Pray for the Sick. Pray that the Lord would heal those sick and restore their health and strength.