一、本週經文 Scriptures: 列王記下4:44  2 Kings 4:44
44 僕人就擺在眾人面前,他們吃了,果然還剩下,正如耶和華所說的。
44 Then he set it before them, and they ate and had some left over, according to the word of the LORD.

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:

1. 為蘇利南禱告:蘇利南於 1975 年脫離荷蘭獨立,是一個種族多元化的國家。 矛盾的是,它在維持高生活水準的同時卻面臨嚴峻的政治和經濟挑戰。 販運毒品和走私黃金的犯罪團伙的存在給國家帶來了負面影響。 蘇利南超過一半的人口是基督徒,教會正在派遣傳教士到國內未得之地宣教。 禱告網絡和跨教派夥伴關係也在不斷發展。 祈禱犯罪集團能夠被揭露並被摧毀。 讚美神,讓宣教士進入未得地區傳福音。
Pray for Suriname. Having gained its independence from the Netherlands in 1975, Suriname is an ethnically diverse country. It paradoxically holds a high standard of living while facing severe political and economic challenges. The presence of crime rings trafficking drugs and smuggling gold have negatively affected the nation. More than half the population is Christian, and churches are sending missionaries into unreached areas within their nation. Prayer networks and cross-denominational partnership are also growing. Pray for the crime rings to be exposed and taken down. Praise God for the missionaries going into unreached areas to share the gospel.

2. 為加州復興禱告:加州是全美國人口最多的一州也是全美國經濟產值最高的一州。目前略超過六成的加州成年人說他們是基督徒,但是整個基督徒的比率不論是新教徒或是天主教徒都在下降中。求神興起祂的教會,為加州人的靈魂得救劬勞,反轉越來越多人離開基督信仰的趨勢。
Pray for the Revival of California. California is the most populated state in the US, and it has the highest GDP among the states. Although there are still over sixty percent of adults in California declare themselves as Christians, but churches Protestant and Catholic alike are shrinking through past years. Pray that the Lord would use His Church in California to fervently reach out to their communities to win a great deal of Californians to Him as to overturn the declining Christian faith.

3. 為吉爾吉斯短宣禱告:教會的吉爾吉斯短宣隊正在當地宣教中。請為他們行程平安平安,團員身體健康祈求神。祈求神為他們開門,使他們藉著活動將福音傳給當地的年輕人。求神使用他們以及持續在當地宣教的傳道人,為吉爾吉斯帶來福音的衝擊,大規模翻轉這個國家歸向真神。
Pray for Kyrgyzstan STM. Our Kyrgyzstan STM team is currently doing mission in that country. Pray for the safety and team members’ health. Pray that God would use them and the local ministers to bring a spiritual revival to Kyrgyzstan. As a result, lots of Kyrgyzstan people would turn to God.

4. 為教會合一禱告:我們的教會有五個堂會,人們主要說台語、華語、英語、粵語四種不同的語言。 禱告我們的教會能努力保守神所賜的合一,共同努力實現教會的異象,傳揚福音,造就門徒,彼此相愛,關懷社區。
Pray for Unity. Our church has five congregations, and people speak four different languages. Pray that our church would endeavor to keep the spirit of unity, and jointly to make efforts in performing the vision of our church, reaching out to the lost, making disciples, loving each other, and caring for the communities.

5. 為肢體禱告:為林祈惠姊妹身體完全得醫治禱告。為你所知道身體欠安的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復身體的健康。
Pray for the Sick. Pray for the complete healing of sister Chi-Huei Lin. Pray for the brothers and sisters you know who are in poor health, and ask God to heal them and restore them to good health.