一﹑本週經文Scripture:民數記 11:23 Numbers
23 耶和華對摩西說:耶和華的膀臂豈是縮短了麼?現在要看我的話向你應驗不應驗。
23 The Lord answered Moses, “Is the Lord’s arm too short? Now you will see whether or not what I say will come true for you.”
二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:
1. 為阿爾及利亞禱告:阿爾及利亞的伊斯蘭教徒約佔總人口99%,若有人改信基督教,就會遭受家人和鄰居逼迫,甚至會因反對教法和反褻瀆法而遭受處罰。許多教會紛紛關門的情況下,當地仍有一些教會持續忍耐,堅守信仰。讓我們一起禱告,求主保護這些教會,並使真理紮根在阿爾及利亞,福音在全地廣傳。
Pray for Algeria. Approximately 99% of Algeria’s population is Muslim. If someone converts to Christianity, they face persecution from family and neighbors, and may even be punished for opposing Sharia law and blasphemy laws. Despite many churches closing, some local churches continue to endure and stand firm in their faith. Let us pray together, asking the Lord to protect these churches and to root the truth deeply in Algeria, spreading the gospel throughout the land.
Pray for the 8/17 Co-Worker Training. On August 17th, EFCLA will hold its second co-worker training of the year. Pastors, elders, deacons, counselors, chairpersons, small group leaders, and co-workers will participate. The workshop will once again remind us through God’s Word that serving God is a glorious calling. It aims to help everyone learn and improve their ability to shepherd and care for small groups. Please pray for God to grant a spirit of humility and unity.
3. 為教會的長執提名禱告:教會在10月份的和會會提名新一批的長老執事。禱告聖靈可以感動,引導新的長老執事參與教會的服事,按照使徒行傳第六章的描述: 「大有信心,聖靈充滿」,長執團隊可以和牧師室同工很好地配搭服事。
Pray for the nomination of the elders and deacons of the church. The church will nominate a new batch of elders and deacons at the congregational meeting in October. Pray that the Holy Spirit can inspire and guide new elders and deacons to participate in the service of the church. According to the description in Chapter 6 of Acts: “Have great faith and be filled with the Holy Spirit”. The elders and deacons’ team can work well with the staff in the pastor’s office.
4. 為8月份家庭月聯合主日學禱告:8月洛福教會和活現機構合辦家庭月主日學。8/18和8/25的主題分別為夫妻溝通和信仰傳承。請禱告弟兄姊妹踴躍參加,虛心學習如何用聖經的原則和智慧建立家庭,讓家庭成為彼此相愛和合一的見證,榮耀主的名。
Pray for the August Family Month Joint Sunday School. In August, EFCLA and Presence are co-hosting Family Month Sunday School. The themes for 8/18 and 8/25 are “Couple Communication” and “Faith Transmission,” respectively. Please pray for brothers and sisters to participate enthusiastically and to humbly learn how to build their families using biblical principles and wisdom, making their families a testimony of mutual love and unity, glorifying the Lord’s name.
5. 為肢體禱告:為身體欠安的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復身心靈的健康。
Pray for the Sick. Pray that the Lord would heal those who are sick and restore their health and strength.