一、本週經文 Scriptures:帖撒羅尼迦前書1:5 1 Thessalonians
5 因為我們的福音傳到你們那裡,不獨在乎言語,也在乎權能和聖靈,並充足的信心。正如你們知道,我們在你們那裡,為你們的緣故是怎樣為人。
5 because our gospel came to you not simply with words but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and deep conviction. You know how we lived among you for your sake.
二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:
1.為台灣禱告:超過90% 的台灣人信奉佛教、道教、儒教、民間信仰或是以上信仰的混和。而大多數的基督徒都住在台灣主要的城市,鄉村地區基督徒比率很低,人們聽聞福音的機會也較少。一些教會已經開始以較接地氣的方式像鄉村的勞工階層傳福音。台灣目前是全世界華人群體中唯一一個尚未經歷大規模屬靈突破的地區。求神讓台灣經歷一次屬靈的復興,使基督徒的比率大幅增加,特別是在鄉村地區。
Pray for Taiwan. Over 90% of Taiwanese follow some combination of Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism, and traditional religions. Most of the Christians in Taiwan live in major cities, so rural areas get less exposure to the gospel. Churches have been increasing their efforts to evangelize the working class through less formal outreaches. Taiwan remains the only major Han Chinese population in the world without a significant spiritual breakthrough. Pray for a spiritual breakage in the rural areas of Taiwan.
Pray for Personal Spiritual Revival. Pray that each one of us would experience a personal spiritual revival. Everyone would hear God’s voice, and encounter with the true and living God, so that everyone would become passionate again in worshiping God, serving God, obeying God, and preaching the gospel.
Pray for Nomination of Deacons and Elders. Elders of different departments are searching for next year’s deacons. Pray that they can find enough deacons for their ministries, and God would convince those who are invited by elders. Pray that the Lord would raise more deacons in our church to conduct different ministries for further development of our church.
Pray for Children Congregation. Pray for the registration of Children Sunday School would be smooth, and there are more than one hundred sign-ups. Pray that there will be a new generation of children Sunday School teachers devoting in teaching the children to follow Jesus, obey Jesus, and serve Jesus.
Pray for the Sick. Pray for the brothers and sisters you know who are in poor health, and ask God to heal them and restore them to good health.