一﹑本週經文Scripture:何西阿書14:9b Hosea
9b 因為,耶和華的道是正直的;義人必在其中行走,罪人卻在其上跌倒。
9b The ways of the Lord are right; the righteous walk in them, but the rebellious stumble in them.

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:

1. 為格瑞那達禱告:格瑞那達是西印度群島的一個島國,它曾是法國和英國的殖民地,並於 1974 年獲得獨立。儘管全國大部分人口信仰基督教,但性氾濫的情況卻很普遍。福音派聯盟的成立是為了希望所有信徒團結起來成為國家之光。祈求格瑞那達教會將福音之光帶入他們社會的黑暗中。為福音派聯盟及其對地方教會的良好影響而讚美神。
Pray for Grenada. Grenada is an island country in the West Indies. They were colonized by France and Britain, and gained their independence in 1974. Some of their long-term issues include widespread poverty, which has caused many to work abroad and send money back home. Although most of its population identifies as Christian, sexual promiscuity is prevalent. The Evangelical Alliance has been established in the hopes of uniting to be a light to the nation. Pray that the church in Grenada will bring the light of the gospel into their society’s darkness. Praise God for the Evangelical Alliance and its good influence on the local churches.

2. 為幸福小組禱告:為所有BEST能持續來參加幸福小組禱告。禱告藉著幸福小組的詩歌、遊戲、見證、信息與分享,BEST能深深感受到神的愛,而接待耶穌做他們生命的救主。
Pray for Outreach Groups. Pray that all the seekers would commit in the outreach groups. Pray that through different activities of the outreach groups, the seekers would feel the love of God as to accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior.

3. 為和會禱告:請為10/20 主日教會年度和會禱告,當日大家同心合意通過教會去年財政年度的結算與明年財政年度的預算,並確認每一位教會推薦的長老以及執事的人選。求神感動弟兄姊妹一起參加10/19週六下午3點的會員日活動,一起來關心教會的發展。
Pray for Assembly Meeting. Pray that the assembly would approve the last fiscal year’s settlement, and the next fiscal year’s budget. Pray that the assembly would pass every candidate of elders and deacons. Also, the Lord would move many congregants to join the Member Day on 10//19.

4. 為兒童堂禱告:為兒童的敬拜同工、信息講員、主日學老師、助教,以及行政同工禱告,祈求神藉著他們的服事,生命更得成長改變並且在服事中滿有喜樂。為兒童們在參與兒童敬拜與主日學的過程中,能認識耶穌基督,能認定耶穌基督,能學習耶穌基督禱告。
Pray for Children’s Congregation. Pray for the worship leaders, Sunday School teachers, helpers, preachers, and staff of the children’s congregation would grow in their spirituality and be full of joy when they serve. Pray that all the children would know Jesus, follow Jesus, and learn from Jesus through the children’s worship and Sunday school.

5. 為肢體禱告:為你所知道身體欠安的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復身體的健康。
Pray for the Sick. Pray for the brothers and sisters you know who are in poor health, and ask God to heal them and restore them to good health.