一、本週經文Scriptures 創世纪 24:12 Genesis
12 他說:耶和華我主人亞伯拉罕的神啊,求祢施恩給我主人亞伯拉罕,使我今日遇見好機會。
12 Then he prayed, “Lord, God of my master Abraham, make me successful today, and show kindness to my master Abraham.
二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:
1. 為歐洲的基督徒和教會禱告:在歐洲,同性戀,墮胎,針對基督教的仇恨犯罪等反基督教行為日漸盛行;儘管如此,在法國,荷蘭,匈牙利,義大利各地的基督徒仍敬畏主,向主獻上敬拜,燃起復興的火。讓我們一起為歐洲的基督徒和教會禱告,求主使他們更加渴慕主的恩典,成為傳福音的管道。
Pray for Christians and churches in Europe. In Europe, anti-Christian behaviors such as homosexuality, abortion, and hate crimes against Christians are becoming more and more popular. Despite this, Christians in France, the Netherlands, Hungary, and Italy still fear the Lord and worship the Lord. Offer worship and kindle the fire of revival. Let us pray together for Christians and churches in Europe, asking the Lord to make them more hungry for the Lord’s grace and to become channels for spreading the gospel.
2. 為1/18的同工訓練會禱告:教會有一年兩次的同工訓練會,參加的有長老,執事,輔導,主席,及小組長,禱告大家在牧養會眾,傳揚福音上有更多的裝備和成長。
Pray for the co-worker training meeting on 1/18. The church holds co-worker training meetings twice a year, which are attended by elders, deacons, advisors, chairs, and small group leaders. We pray that everyone will be more equipped and grow in pastoring the congregation and preaching the gospel.
3. 為教會的裝備事工禱告。1-3月的主日學有馬太福音,針對慕道友的“我為何要信”,個人成長課程“親密之旅”,英文堂有週日下午的保羅行程。禱告弟兄姐妹有屬靈胃口,渴慕在話語和真理上接受裝備,在靈命上成長成熟。
Pray for the equipping ministry of the church. The Sunday school from January to March includes the Gospel of Matthew, “Why should I believe” for seekers, the personal growth course “Journey to Intimacy”, and the Harvest LA has the Pauline itinerary on Sunday afternoon. Pray that brothers and sisters will have a spiritual appetite, be eager to be equipped in the word and truth, and grow and mature spiritually.
4. 為教會新的小組禱告:為Josh牧區的約書亞小組,粵語堂的喜樂心小組,和華語堂的華語1.5代小組禱告,求神加添智慧和愛心給服事的同工,也求神幫助這些小組可以穩定和成長。
Pray for the new small groups in the church. Pray for the Joshua group in Josh’s pastoral zone, the Joyful Heart group in the Cantonese congregation, and the Chinese 1.5th generation group in the Mandarin Congregation. Ask God to add wisdom and love to the co-workers who serve, and also ask God to Help these groups stabilize and grow.
5. 為肢體禱告:為你所知道身體欠安的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復身體的健康。
Pray for the Sick. Pray that the Lord would heal those who are sick and restore their health and strength.