一﹑本週經文Scriptures: 士師記 6:12-13 Judges

12 耶和華的使者向基甸顯現,對他說:「大能的勇士啊,耶和華與你同在!」13 基甸說:「主啊,耶和華若與我們同在,我們何致遭遇這一切事呢?
12 When the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon, he said, “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.” 13 “Pardon me, my lord,” Gideon replied, “but if the Lord is with us, why has all this happened to us?

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:

1. 為印度來禱告:印度正⾯臨兩個極⼤的危機: 新冠肺炎的威脅與信仰逼迫。印度憲法第 25 條保障宗教自由,但印度教極端主義團體經常使用反基督教宣傳,來散佈謊言,宣稱印度是一個不屬於基督徒的印度教國家。求主打開印度人的眼睛,使他們看見基督徒在印度社會中扮演的寶貴角色,並為著印度的基督徒禱告,祈求神堅固印度的信徒,讓他們有勇氣及膽量面對因離開傳統信仰而面對排斥和歧視。
Pray for India.  India is facing two extreme crises: the threat of COVID-19 and the persecution of Christian faith. According to Article 25 of the Indian Constitution, it guarantees freedom of religion, but Hindu extremist groups often use anti-Christian propaganda to spread lies, claiming that India is a Hindu country that is not a Christian. Let’s pray that the Lord open the eyes of the Indians so that they can see the precious role that Christians play in Indian society, and pray for the Christians in India, and pray that God will strengthen the believers in India, so that they will have the courage and faith to face the cause of leaving traditional beliefs. And able to face exclusion and discrimination.

2. 為教會回轉歸向主禱告:求主使用洛福教會,讓弟兄姊妹因著願意順服於主耶穌的大使命,並且對焦於主耶穌的吩咐,在今年能夠再一次經歷神的大能,使弟兄姊妹的生命被聖靈翻轉,恢復當初上帝設立教會時真正的心意。我們呼求聖靈更新的火再次降在洛福教會,在這黑暗的世代,燒去教會中所有不討上帝喜悅的事,唯獨留下不能被毀滅的事。就向當時先知以利亞一樣,向神祈求說:「求祢應允我,使這民知道祢耶和華是神,又知道是你叫這民的心回轉。」
Pray for our church.  Pray that the Lord to use our Church, so that brothers and sisters are willing to obey the Lord’s great commission and focus on His commands, so we can once again experience God’s power this year, and we will be reversed and restored by the Holy Spirit, and restored the purpose when God set up the church. We also pray that the renewed fire of the Holy Spirit falls on our church again. In this dark age, we will burn away all the things that are not pleasing to God in the church, leaving only the things that cannot be destroyed. Just like the prophet Elijah at the time, he prayed to God, ” Answer me, Lord, answer me, so these people will know that you, Lord, are God and that you are turning their hearts back again.”

3. 為即將在8/21開始的全人更新營禱告:為信生牧師、主立牧師、寶儀牧師及炳欽牧師來禱告,他們四位將在全人更新營各自帶領四個不同的課程,求主使用他們四位牧者的信息來更新弟兄姊妹。也為每一位願意參加的弟兄姊妹禱告,求主藉著更新營來更新眾弟兄姊妹,讓他們能藉著更新營經歷聖靈,綑綁所有的攔阻、醫治釋放心裏所有的傷害、重新得力,面對即將來臨的幸福小組。
Pray for upcoming renewal camp on 8/21.  Pray for Pastor Johnson, Pastor Josh, Pastor Pauyee and Pastor Benson. The four of them will lead four courses in the renewal camp. We pray that the Lord uses the messages of their four pastors to renew brothers and sisters. Please also pray for every brother and sister who is willing to participate. May the Lord renew everyone through the renewal camp so that they can experience the Holy Spirit through the renewal camp, in Jesus’s name seizing all obstacles, heal and release all the wounds in their hearts, and being able to face the challenge of the upcoming happiness group.

4. 為下一期幸福小組禱告:求主興起更多的弟兄姊妹願意回到耶穌大使命的吩咐,投身在傳福音的使命中。也求主預備同工及Best,讓洛福教會經歷得人如得魚的祝福。
Pray for the next happiness group.  Pray that the Lord will raise up more brothers and sisters who are willing to return to the command of Jesus’ Great Commission and devote themselves to the mission of evangelism. We also pray that the Lord to prepare co-workers and BEST, so that our Church will experience the blessing of “send out to fish for people”

Pray for the Sick. Pray for those who are sick. Pray that the Lord would heal them and restore their health.