一﹑本週經文Scriptures: 約伯記 16:1-5 Job

約伯回答說: 2 這樣的話我聽了許多;你們安慰人,反叫人愁煩。 3 虛空的言語有窮盡嗎?有甚麼話惹動你回答呢? 4 我也能說你們那樣的話;你們若處在我的境遇,我也會聯絡言語攻擊你們,又能向你們搖頭。 5 但我必用口堅固你們,用嘴消解你們的憂愁。
Then Job replied: 2 “I have heard many things like these; you are miserable comforters, all of you! 3 Will your long-winded speeches never end? What ails you that you keep on arguing? 4 I also could speak like you, if you were in my place; I could make fine speeches against you and shake my head at you. 5 But my mouth would encourage you; comfort from my lips would bring you relief.

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:

  • 為貝都因人禱告:大多數一百二十萬的遜尼派穆斯林貝都因人居住於阿拉伯以及以色列南部的沙漠。他們是遊牧民族並且多半只與自己族人通婚。他們遵守伊斯蘭律法並且反對改信其他宗教,因此相當困難向貝都因人傳福音,而且改教的貝都因人極可能因此被處死。求神開貝都因人的心,讓他們轉向耶穌基督並服事主。
    Pray for the Bedouin. Most of the 1.2 million Bedouin in the Arabian and Negev desert regions are Sunni Muslims. They lead a nomadic life and marry within their own people. That are devoted to Islamic law and do not welcome religious conversions. This makes it hard to reach them with the gospel as those who profess their faith in Jesus could be put to death. Pray that God will open their eyes to see Jesus as Christ and serve Him.
  • 為美國教會禱告:求神讓美國的教會重新委身於教會的頭,主耶穌基督的使命。求神賜下合一在祂的教會好讓世人感受到神對他們的愛。求神幫助祂的教會在世上作光做鹽活出有見證的生活生命。
    Pray for the Church in the US. Pray that the Church in the US would find a new zeal and commitment to the mission and purpose of Jesus Christ. Also, pray that there is unity with and among churches that reveal God’s love to the world. Finally, pray that that God’s people would look and act differently from the world.
  • 為學生事工禱告:為中英文學生事工的輔導們禱告,求神使用他們,陪伴學生們建立與耶穌的關係,又訓練學生們服事神,作神國的精兵。
    Pray for the Student Ministries. Pray for the advisers of Mandarin and English student ministries. Pray that God would use them to help the students establish a close relationship with the Lord, and disciple them to learn to serve the Lord to become good soldiers of the Lord.
  • 為幸福小組禱告:求神加添幸福小組同工們力量、智慧與喜樂的心一起領人歸主。求聖靈開BEST的心,決志相信耶穌基督。
    Pray for Happiness Groups. Pray that the Lord would give the Happiness Group teams strength and wisdom to lead people to Him. Pray that the Holy Spirit would open the hearts of BESTs as to accept Jesus Christ.
  • 為肢體禱告:為你所知道身體欠安的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復身體的健康。
    Pray for the Sick. Pray for those who are sick. Pray that the Lord would heal them and restore their health.
