一﹑本週經文:Scriptures: 創世記32:9-12 Genesis

9 雅各說:「耶和華─我祖亞伯拉罕的 神,我父親以撒的 神啊,你曾對我說:『回你本地本族去,我要厚待你。』 10 你向僕人所施的一切慈愛和誠實,我一點也不配得;我先前只拿著我的杖過這約旦河,如今我卻成了兩隊了。 11 求你救我脫離我哥哥以掃的手;因為我怕他來殺我,連妻子帶兒女一同殺了。 12 你曾說:『我必定厚待你,使你的後裔如同海邊的沙,多得不可勝數。』」

9 Then Jacob prayed, “O God of my father Abraham, God of my father Isaac, Lord, you who said to me, ‘Go back to your country and your relatives, and I will make you prosper,’ 10 I am unworthy of all the kindness and faithfulness you have shown your servant. I had only my staff when I crossed this Jordan, but now I have become two camps. 11 Save me, I pray, from the hand of my brother Esau, for I am afraid he will come and attack me, and also the mothers with their children. 12 But you have said, ‘I will surely make you prosper and will make your descendants like the sand of the sea, which cannot be counted.’”


二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:

1. 為摩洛哥禱告:位於北非的摩洛哥,全國三千七百萬人口中僅有三萬一千五百人是基督徒。在這樣一個慕斯林的國家,基督徒的生活在各方面都非常艱辛。改信基督教極可能使一個人失去對孩子的監護權和財產繼承權。不論社區或家庭都全面壓制基督徒的生活,他們不能有公開的洗禮,婚禮甚至喪禮。當摩洛哥的信徒遭到來自政府與家庭的抵擋時,求神保護摩洛哥的信徒,堅固他們的信心。
Pray for Morocco. Only 31,500 are Christians among the 37 million people Morocco. In an Islamic nation, life can get difficult on various levels for those convert to Christianity – they can lose custody of their children or their inheritance. Socially, communities and families will not allow Christian converts to live out their faith, forbidding baptism, marriage, or even Christian funerals. Pray that God will protect and strengthen His people in the face of opposition from the government and their families.

2. 為新冠疫情禱告:Omicron 變種病毒症迅速在美國蔓延,加州的新確診人數也明顯增加,但是新增死亡人數仍處於低檔,為住院治療的人都得康復禱告,求神使Omicron成為疫情終結前的最後一波流行傳染。
Pray for COVID. The Omicron are rapidly spreading in the US. The new daily recent cases in California also surges, but the mortality rate is still significantly lower than that of the Delta variant. Pray that all the hospitalized would recover, and the Omicron pandemic would be the last wave before the end of COVID-19.

3. 為健康禱告:新年過後學校紛紛開學,工作也都恢復正常。請為學生們在學校上課,大人在公司上班都能健康平安禱告。
Pray for Health. After New Year’s Day, students go back to school, and adults go back to work. Pray that everyone would be healthy at schools and their workplaces.

4. 為裝備事工禱告:為裝備部的方明正長老、謝信生牧師、唐豔秋執事禱告,為台語、華語、英語的主日學老師,以及幸福門訓事工的老師禱告。求神使用他們裝備弟兄姊妹,在真理上扎根,在生命上成長,在服事上忠心。
Pray for Equipping Ministries. Pray for Elder Joe Fan, Pastor Johnson Hsieh, and deacon Cindy Tang of Equipping Department. Pray also for Mandarin, Taiwanese, and English Sunday School teachers. Pray for the teacher of the Happiness Disciple Training program. Pray that the Lord would these leaders and teachers equip people for all kinds of good work.

5. 為肢體禱告:為你所知道身體欠安的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復身體的健康。
Pray for the Sick.  Pray for those who are sick. Pray that the Lord would heal them and restore their health.