一﹑本週經文Scriptures: 路加福音5:1-3 Luke

1耶穌站在革尼撒勒湖邊,眾人擁擠他,要聽 神的道。 2 他見有兩隻船灣在湖邊;打魚的人卻離開船洗網去了。 3 有一隻船是西門的,耶穌就上去,請他把船撐開,稍微離岸,就坐下,從船上教訓眾人。
1 One day as Jesus was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret, the people were crowding around him and listening to the word of God. 2 He saw at the water’s edge two boats, left there by the fishermen, who were washing their nets. 3 He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little from shore. Then he sat down and taught the people from the boat.

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:

1. 為土耳其禱告:在土耳其這個穆斯林佔絕大多數人口的國家正朝宗教民族主義的方向靠近,這使得土耳其僅佔人口0.2%的基督徒愈來愈難公開表明自己基督徒的身份以及聚會。雖然改信基督教在土耳其並不違法,但是基督徒在家庭、社區與工作場所都受到排擠,甚至外國的基督徒並不被允許在該國居留。求神保守土耳其的基督徒在這樣令人窒息的環境中仍舊能堅守他們的信仰並繼續傳揚福音。
Pray for Turkey. As a predominantly Muslim nation, Turkey is gaining traction in its religious nationalism, making it harder and harder for the 0.2 percent Christian population to profess and practice their faith. While conversion to Christianity is not illegal, Christians are marginalized by families, communities, and workplaces, and non-Turkish Christians are being banned from the country. Pray that even amid this stifling environment, Christians in Turkey will persevere in living out their faith and spreading the gospel.

2. 為新冠疫情禱告:打好疫苗仍舊是預防萬一感染Omicron變種病毒造成重症最有效的方法。求神感動大家都能接種至少兩劑疫苗,最好打完加強針。求神保護確診的人們,症狀不至加重並快快復原。
Pray for COVID. Although the Omicron variant is highly contagious, being fully vaccinated is the best method to prevent severe illness or death. Pray that people would receive their vaccines and even their booster shots. Pray that those infected would recover soon.

3. 為春節文化活動禱告:為2/6兒童堂慶祝春節活動的籌備禱告。請為準備應景食物,及傳統兒童遊戲的弟兄姊妹禱告。求神使用這個活動讓下一代認識華人的春節文化,並讓更多社區的人認識我們的教會。
Pray for Lunar New Year Mini Carnival. Pray for preparing the Lunar New Year Mini Carnival of Feb 6. Pray that the next generation would know the Lunar New Year through this activity and more people in the communities would know our church through this activity.

4. 為牧養事工禱告:為團契部的劉柏成長老、羅子甯執事、葉勝賢執事禱告;為牧養弟兄姊妹的牧師,輔導、小組長禱告。求神藉著他們的服事,使團契被建立,弟兄姊妹信心更穩固,肢體關係更緊密,新的同工被造就,得救的人加添。
Pray for Fellowship Ministries. Pray for Elder Alfred Liu, Deacon Jenny Lo, and Deacon Sam Yeh. Also, pray for the pastors, advisers, and small groups. Pray that the Lord would use them to build up fellowships/groups, encourage those feeble in faith, train new leaders, and spread the gospel.

5. 為肢體禱告:長春大學美珍姊妹的先生徐培原弟兄跌倒受傷,求神醫治徐弟兄,使他的健康迅速恢復。
Pray for the Sick. Brother Pei-Yuan Xu, Sister Mei-Zhen’s husband, fell and got hurt. Pray that the Lord would heal Brother Xu and restore his health soon.