一﹑本週經文Scriptures: 歌羅西書1:9-11 Colossians

9 「因此,我們自從聽見的日子,也就為你們不住的禱告祈求,願你們在一切屬靈的智慧悟性上,滿心知道神的旨意;
10 好叫你們行事為人對得起主,凡事蒙他喜悅,在一切善事上結果子,漸漸的多知道神;
11 照他榮耀的權能,得以在各樣的力上加力,好叫你們凡事歡歡喜喜的忍耐寬容。」
9 For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives,
10 so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God,
11 being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience.

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:

  1. 為索馬利亞禱告:東非的索馬利亞全國可能只有幾百名基督徒,因為基督徒都不敢公開他們的信仰。索馬利亞因為是一個穆斯林國家所以不准許人民改信基督教。 一旦有人信基督教就會遭受他的家人或社區的騷擾、威嚇甚至殺害。所以沒有人會公開承認自己是基督徒也沒有教會。禱告神堅固索馬利亞基督徒的信心,並加添得救的人在他們中間。
    Pray for Somalia.  Numbering no more than a few hundreds, Christians in Somalia are forced to live out their faith in secret.  This is because Somalia is a Muslim nation that is not tolerant of conversions to Christianity. If someone is found to be a Christian, their family and community will harass, intimidate, or even kill them.  Thus, there are no public admissions of faith or churches.  Pray for the Somali Christians to stand strong in their faith and for God to add to their numbers.
  2. 為烏克蘭奉獻禱告:求神感動教會的弟兄姊妹踴躍為烏克蘭人道救援行動奉獻,求讓我們可以很快籌得一萬美元,透過普世豐盛生命中心實際去幫助在東歐逃避戰火的烏克蘭難民。
    Pray for Ukraine. We are collecting donation for the Ukrainian Refugees.  Pray that the Lord would move our church to collect $10,000 soon, and help those Ukrainian refugees through GLEC (Global Life Enrichment Center).

  3. 為受洗者禱告:復活節一共有八位兒童、成人接受洗禮。求神堅固這些弟兄姊妹的信心,在這愈發敵對基督信仰的環境,愈發世俗化的文化氛圍中,做光做鹽為主作見證。
    Pray for New Believers. There are eight people including six children going to be baptized on  Easter.   Pray that the Lord would strengthen their faith to be the salt and light in this secular world.   
  4. 為幸福小組禱告:為恩愛、活水兩個在不同家庭做幸福小組的幸福小組禱告,求神特別祝福這些開放家庭作幸福小組的家庭。為這兩組的BEST能繼續參加幸福小組禱告。
    Pray for Happiness Group.   Pray for the Loving and the Living Water Happiness groups.  Pray for those people who open their houses for Happiness Group.  Please pray that the BESTs would come back.
  5. 為肢體禱告:為你所知道身體欠安的弟兄姊妹或是確診的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復身體的健康。
    Pray for the Sick.  Pray for those who are sick or infected. Pray that the Lord would heal them and restore their health.