一﹑本週經文Scriptures: 羅馬書 8: 14-15 Romans;約翰福音 13: 3 John
14-15 因為凡被神的靈引導的,都是神的兒子。你們所受的,不是奴僕的心,仍舊害怕;所受的乃是兒子的心,因此我們呼叫「阿爸!父!」
For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you as his own children. Now we call him, “Abba, Father.”
3 耶穌知道父已將萬有交在祂手裡,且知道自己是從神出來的,又要歸到神那裡去,
Jesus knew that the Father had given him authority over everything and that he had come from God.

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:

  1. 為中國禱告:近年來,中國政府以最嚴密的監控系統來掌控所有宗教活動。 政府只允許國家批准的教會能夠運作,其他許多教會都必須關閉。 十八歲以下的兒童和青少年根本不准去教會。 一旦發現未經批准的教會活動,參與者將被逮捕並強迫接受再教育。 請為中國的基督徒禱告,儘管受到嚴密的監視和迫害,仍能持守他們的信仰。
    Pray for China.  China is known to have oppressively thorough surveillance system that monitors all religious activities. The government only allows state-sanctioned Protestant churches to operate and many churches are being closed down. Children and teenagers under eighteen are not allowed to attend church at all. If unsanctioned Christian activity is discovered, the participants are arrested and re-educated. Pray that Christians in China will persevere in their faith despite intense surveillance and persecution.
  2. 為幸福小組禱告:秋季幸福小組即將於九月開始,求神感動每個團契小組的兄姊妹看到福音的需要,都能差派出同工組成幸福小組展開向親人、朋友、鄰舍傳福音行動的禱告。
    Pray for Happiness Groups.  Our Fall Happiness Group campaign is only a month away. Pray that the Lord would move our brothers and sisters to have a burden in evangelism, and form different happiness groups to reach out to their family, friends, or neighbors.
  3. 為長執提名禱告:牧師與長老們正在邀請明年度教會各部門的長老與執事人選,教會目前各部門急需同工參與服事,請為能順利徵詢得合適且充足的長老執事的候選人禱告,以利教會是工順利推展。
    Pray for Recruitment.  Pastors and elders are recruiting the candidates of elders and deacons for the next year. Pray that the recruitment would be smooth, so that the church would have adequate leaders to carry on different ministries in next year.
  4. 為教會中庭整建工程禱告:教會中庭的整建工程已經於8/22開始動工。工程大約需維持6週的時間。求神保守施工當中工人及出入人員的平安,也使工程的進度能順利的進行。也求神供應整建經費的需要。
    Pray for Courtyard renovation. Courtyard renovation has started on August 22nd. The project will take approximately 6 weeks. Pray that God will protect the safety of all workers and those who come in and out during the construction, and the project can be carried out smoothly. Also pray for the renovation fund will be fulfilled.
  5. 為肢體禱告:為你所知道身體欠安的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復身體的健康。
    Pray for the Sick.  Pray that the Lord would heal those who are sick and restore their heath and strength.