一﹑本週經文Scriptures: 使徒行傳17:16 Acts

16 保羅在雅典等候他們的時候,看見滿城都是偶像,就心裡著急。
16 While Paul was waiting for them in Athens, he was greatly distressed to see that the city was full of idols.

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:

1. 為宏都拉斯禱告:宏都拉斯是中美洲第二大的國家,有豐富的自然資源,像美麗的海灘、各種野生動物、香蕉與咖啡。但是該國長期處於政治不穩定的狀態是該地區政治最不穩定的國家。宏都拉斯的貧窮問題嚴重,治安狀況也相當差,這特別是對佔人口達一半的兒童有極大不利的影響。名義上的基督徒人口越來越多,但福音派教會的影響力卻一直在增長,請為宏都拉斯的基督教會經歷復興禱告。
Pray for Honduras. Honduras is the second largest nation in Central America and is known for its rich natural resources, including beautiful beaches, diverse wildlife, bananas, and coffee. As a result of its long history of political unrest, it is one of the most unstable countries in the region. It suffers from extreme poverty, and children – who make up more than half the population – are especially vulnerable to the violence that is rampant in the country. The Christian population in increasingly nominal, but the evangelical has been growing in influence.

2. 為新朋友禱告:教會每主日都有好幾位新朋友參加崇拜,求神給每一位弟兄姊妹愛人的心,好讓我們真誠歡迎關心這些新來的朋友,幫助他們在這裡找到屬靈的家,與我們同蒙恩典,同奔天路,同服事主。
Pray for Newcomers. We have newcomers every Sunday. Pray that the Lord would give us the gift of caring, so that people would warmly welcome the newcomers and help them join our church.

3. 為幸福小組、懷相禱告:請為參與幸福小組的同工們禱告,求神使用他們的破冰、歌唱、見證、信息與陪伴,感動BEST的心,帶領他們認識耶穌基督。為正在懷相對課的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神使用他們,使用懷相材料,攻破慕道友心中的堅固營壘,領人認識耶穌。
Pray for Outreach Ministries. Pray for those who are in Happiness Groups. Through the activities, the seekers would open their hearts and accept Christ as their saviors. Pray for those who are using D2B to reach out. Pray that the Holy Spirit would break the strongholds of the seekers, so that they would make their decision for Christ.

4. 為洗禮班禱告:教會有六位兒童、青少年正在接受洗禮準備,他們將於復活節受洗。求神藉著洗禮班幫助他們清楚所信的,堅固他們的信心,順服神,走合神心意的道路。
Pray for Baptism. We have six children and teenagers are taking their baptismal class. They will receive their baptism at Easter. Pray that through the baptismal class, they would clearly understand what they believe and decide to follow Jesus and serve Him.

5. 為肢體禱告:為你所知道身體欠安的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復身體的健康。
Pray for the Sick. Pray that the Lord would heal those who are sick and restore their heath and strength.