一﹑本週經文Scriptures: 馬可福音 9:22-24 Mark
「22 鬼屢次把他扔在火裡、水裡,要滅他。你若能做什麼,求袮憐憫我們,幫助我們!23 耶穌對他說:「你若能信,在信的凡事都能。」24 孩子的父親立時喊著說:「我信!但我信不足,求主幫助。」
22 “It has often thrown him into fire or water to kill him. But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.”23 “‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.”24 Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”.

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:
Pray for the middle-aged people. The middle-aged group is facing social isolation, which is becoming a social problem. The number of socially isolated middle-aged people is increasing due to early retirement, divorce, unemployment, financial hardship and illness, resulting in an increase in the number of suicides and lonely deaths. Pray that the government will strengthen the social safety net and that all churches will serve these people, so they can stand up again in hope.
Pray for SoCal Prayer Conference. The “SoCal Prayer Conference” will be held this week from 5/19-20 at our church and on 5/21 at Bread of Life Christian Church Chino. More than 630 people have signed up for the conference. Pray that God will rekindle the passion for prayer through this conference and that the churches will join to light the fire of the city altar to bless SoCal.
3.為VBS、暑期短宣計畫及行程禱告:請為6/12-16舉辦的暑期兒童聖經學校禱告,求神藉帶領家長及孩童能夠透過VBS的活動認識神,也為6/22即將前往吉爾吉斯、台灣台中、7/31-8/4El Cajon的短宣隊禱告,願主加添信心與能力給所有團員,使他們能放膽傳福音,勇敢事奉,得以見證主的道;願團隊有合而為一的心,使當地的人看見神的作為。
Pray for VBS and Summer Short Term Mission Trip. Please pray for the VBS to be held from 6/12-16. Pray that God will lead parents and children to know God through the VBS program. In addition, pray for the Short Term Mission team that will go to Kyrgyzstan 6/22, Taichung, Taiwan7/1, and El Cajon from 7/31-8/4. May Lord give them faith and strength, so that they can be bold to share the gospel and serve people in different cultural; may the team have a united heart to serve the Lord.
Pray for the Deceased family and sick. Deacon Tony Tseng passed away on May 7, Rae Weng’s mother passed away on May 11 at Taiwan.  please pray for the family and preparation of Memorial service. Pray that Lord would heal those who are sick and restore their health and strength.