一﹑本週經文Scriptures: 哥林多前書1:18  1 Corinthians

18 因為十字架的道理,在那滅亡的人為愚拙;在我們得救的人,卻為神的大能。
18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:

  1. 為加拿大禱告:加拿大因著高度發達的經濟是世界富有的國家之一,同時他也是世界上陸地面積第二大的國家。加拿大原住民已經在當地居住數千年但是他們的居住地自十六世紀起就成為英國人、法國人的殖民地。這些歐洲移民將基督信仰帶到加拿大,直到今天雖然大多數加拿大人仍舊是基督徒,但是近幾十年來,教會人數持續衰退。教會面臨著向一個愈來愈世俗化的社會傳福音的挑戰。求神攪動加拿大人的心讓他們渴慕福音,求神激發加拿大信徒起來向他們的親人、朋友、鄰舍傳福音。
    Pray for Canada. Canada is one of the wealthiest nations in the world thanks to its advanced economy, and is the second largest country by land area. The indigenous peoples in Canada have lived there for thousands of years, but the region was colonized by the British and French beginning in the sixteenth century. Christianity was introduced by the Europeans, and while Christians still represent the majority of the population, the church has experienced significant decline in recent decades. The church now faces the challenge of reaching to an increasing secular society. Pray that God will stir the hearts of the Canadian people so that they will believe in the gospel. Praise God for the opportunities He has given to the church to reach to their neighbors.
  2. 為靈修習慣禱告:求神幫助弟兄姊妹養成每天讀經禱告的習慣,利用「活潑的生命」或其他靈修材料,每一天分別出一段安靜的時間,讀神的話語,禱告親近神。讓聖靈改變我們的生命,好結出聖靈的果子,合乎主用,為主見證。
    Pray for church. Pray that God would help brothers and sisters to have a quiet time with the Lord daily. People would regularly spend time in reading His word and praying in order for the transformation of their lives. As a result, they would bear spiritual fruits good for the witness of God.
  3. 為短宣隊禱告:為正在吉爾吉斯宣教的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神保守他們身體健康,能適應當地的氣候與飲食,求神合一的靈充滿他們,同心合意向當地的學生見證主耶穌,求神感動學生們,願意接受耶穌基督做他們生命的救主。
    Pray for STM Team. Pray for the health of our STM team in Kyrgyzstan. They could adapt to the local weather and food. Pray that they would love one another, and preach the gospel in one accord. And God would stir the hearts of the Kyrgyzstani students to accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior.
  4. 為新信徒禱告:為最近半年內受洗的新信徒禱告,求神給他們渴慕神的心,接受造就,學習神的話語,學習凡事禱告交託神,堅持努力在真理上扎根成長。求主藉著團契小組裏成熟的弟兄姊妹帶領這些新信徒,引導幫助他們,持續聚會,好讓生命不斷成長改變。
    Pray for New Believers. Pray for those who were baptized in the past six months would study the bible and pray constantly in order to take root and grow in their faith. Pray also that they would join groups besides Sunday service for a normal Christian life.
  5. 為肢體禱告:為林祈惠姊妹的皮膚,及你所知道身體欠安的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復身心靈的健康。
    Pray for the Sick. Pray that the Lord would heal those who are sick and restore their heath and strength.