一、本週經文Scriptures:路加福音 2:37-38 Luke
37 現在已經八十四歲(或譯:就寡居了八十四年),並不離開聖殿,禁食祈求,晝夜事奉 神。38 正當那時,她進前來稱謝 神,將孩子的事對一切盼望耶路撒冷得救贖的人講說。
37 and then was a widow until she was eighty-four. She never left the temple but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying. 38 Coming up to them at that very moment, she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem.

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:
1. 為尼泊爾禱告:尼泊爾是非常貧窮的國家,根據統計,當地約有25%的百姓正過著貧困的生活,兒童勞動人口約占全國兒童人數的15%,即有一百多萬孩童必須工作,無法讀書。求主使國際機構和政府能提供協助,使尼泊爾的糧食危機和貧困問題得以解決,當地兒童也能脫離勞動剝削,並接受正確的教育和合宜的照顧。
Pray for Nepal.  Nepal is a very poor country. According to statistics, about 25% of the local people are living in poverty. The working child population accounts for about 15% of the country’s children, which means more than one million children must work and cannot go to school. Ask the Lord to enable international agencies and governments to provide assistance so that Nepal’s food crisis and poverty problems can be solved, and local children can be freed from labor exploitation and receive correct education and appropriate care.

2.為教會的12/17 同工感恩餐會禱告:謝謝教會的同工們在教會,部門,牧區,團契小組,兒童堂,幸福小組的多樣服事。因著大家擺上時間,金錢,才能,讓洛福教會可以成為一個合一敬拜,彼此相愛,傳揚福音的教會。禱告新的一年上帝繼續賜下合一的靈,讓同工們可以彼此配搭,發揮神所賜的恩賜,服事教會,榮耀主的名。
Pray for the 12/17 co-workers’ thanksgiving dinner in the church.  Thanks to the church co-workers for their services in the church, department, pastoral area, fellowship group, children’s congregation, and Happiness Group outreach activities. Because everyone puts in their time, money, and talents, EFCLA can become a church that worships in unity, loves one another, and preaches the gospel. Pray that God will continue to give the spirit of unity in the new year, so that co-workers can coordinate with each other, use the gifts given by God, serve the church, and glorify the name of the Lord.

Pray for the Christmas gatherings on 12/22 and 12/24. There will be candlelight worship on the night of 12/22, and there will be a joint church Christmas Sunday service on 12/24. Pray that brothers and sisters can invite family and friends in the community to participate, put the focus of the gathering on Jesus Christ, thank Jesus Christ for His incarnation, His crucifixion for us and His resurrection, and give thanks and glory to Jesus Christ.

Pray for Newcomers. Pray for those who come to our church recently, some are already Christians looking for a suitable church, and some are unbelievers. Pray for them to be willing to seek God’s word and like to stay and make church their home. Pray also that they would join any groups besides Sunday service for a normal Christian life.

Pray for the Sick. Pray that the Lord would heal those who are sick and restore their health and strength.