一、本週經文 Scriptures: 列王記下1:2-3 2 Kings

2 Now Ahaziah had fallen through the lattice of his upper room in Samaria and injured himself. So he sent messengers, saying to them, “Go and consult Baal-Zebub, the god of Ekron, to see if I will recover from this injury.” 3 But the angel of the Lord said to Elijah the Tishbite, “Go up and meet the messengers of the king of Samaria and ask them, ‘Is it because there is no God in Israel that you are going off to consult Baal-Zebub, the god of Ekron?’

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:

1. 為荷蘭禱告:「荷蘭」是世界上第一個「新教國家」嗎?然時至現代,竟成為「百姓過半數沒有宗教信仰」的國家之一,文化傾向無神論。然今(2024)年五月時,國際上發生多次大規模的洗禮或聚會,包括:美國加州、佛州、歐洲法國巴黎以及荷蘭!由Opwekking所舉行的復興大會,逾6萬人聚集實體敬拜,並另有70萬人在線參與。求主藉著福音復興活動復興荷蘭教會,使得更多的人能聽聞福音,改變荷蘭。
Pray for Netherlands. Netherlands was the first “Protestant country” in the world? Yet, in modern times, it has become one of the countries where “over half of the population has no religious belief” and the culture leans towards atheism. However, in May this year (2024), there have been several large-scale baptisms and gatherings internationally, including in California, Florida, Paris, France, and the Netherlands! The revival conference held by Opwekking gathered over 60,000 people for in-person worship, with an additional 700,000 participating online. We pray that through the gospel revival activities, the Dutch church will be revived, and more people will hear the gospel, transforming the Netherlands.

2. 為加州禱告:今年五旬節,在「加州洗禮」運動,來自全州和跨教派的教會聚集,有12,000人於加州各地海灘受洗,創下歷史上最大規模同步洗禮的紀錄!「上帝點燃了火,如果神能夠在加州的教會做到這一點,那麼祂也能夠,而且將會在美國其他地方做同樣的事情!」我們見過耶穌行神蹟,聽說過阿蘇薩大復興,但這是上帝在加州的另一波浪潮!人們以為這個州已經太黑暗、太壓抑,但神總是有回應,祂的回應就是「復興」!讓教會興起,繼續為加州禱告,求主賜下復興,藉福音轉化加州。
Pray for California. This Pentecost, during the “Baptize California” movement, churches from across the state and across denominations gathered, resulting in 12,000 people being baptized on various beaches throughout California, setting a record for the largest synchronized baptism in history! “God has ignited a fire, and if He can do this in the churches of California, then He can, and will, do the same in other parts of the United States!” We have seen Jesus perform miracles and heard about the Azusa Street Revival, but this is another wave of God’s movement in California! People thought this state was too dark and oppressive, but God always responds, and His response is “revival”! Let the church rise up and continue to pray for California, asking the Lord to send revival and transform California through the gospel.

3. 為國際戰爭衝突禱告:讓我們繼續為以巴戰爭及中東地區和平、俄烏戰爭、紅海危機和印太地區平安禱告,願眾教會為國際局勢禱告的火不停歇!主必在列國中掌王權、居首位!求主除去一切黑暗權勢,保守看顧所有平民的安全與需要,願祢在其中施行奇妙,賜下愛與智慧給所有地上掌權者,讓他們有機會真實認識祢的救恩。願平安歸於列國!
Pray for the Israel-Palestine conflict and peace in the Middle East. The Russia-Ukraine war, the Red Sea crisis, and peace in the Indo-Pacific region. May the flame of prayer for international affairs never cease in all churches! The Lord will reign and be exalted among the nations! We pray that the Lord will remove all dark forces, protect and watch over the safety and needs of all civilians, and perform wonders among them. May He grant love and wisdom to all earthly rulers, giving them the opportunity to truly know His salvation. May peace be upon all nations!

4. 為教會即將出發的短宣隊禱告:求主賜福教會所差派的國內、外福音短宣隊,讓他們能夠時時拿起禱告權柄為靈魂得救禱告,賜福短宣隊員能在事奉與生活當中與祢同行。懇求聖靈恩膏各短宣隊,帶著基督的愛傳揚救恩福音,為人施洗、領人作主門徒,並見證其腳掌所踏之地都能得著改變、恢復與醫治的神蹟。
Pray for STM. We pray that God bless the domestic and international gospel mission teams sent out by the church, enabling them to continually take up the authority of prayer for the salvation of souls. Bless the mission team members to walk with You in their service and daily lives. We earnestly ask for the Holy Spirit to anoint each mission team, that they may spread the gospel of salvation with the love of Christ, baptize people, make disciples for the Lord, and witness the miraculous transformation, restoration, and healing in every place their feet tread.

5. 為肢體禱告:為你所知道身體欠安的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復身體的健康。
Pray for the Sick. Pray for the brothers and sisters you know who are in poor health. Ask God to heal them and restore their physical health.