一、本週經文 Scriptures: 啟示錄5:12 Revelation

12 大聲說:曾被殺的羔羊是配得權柄、豐富、智慧、能力、尊貴、榮耀、頌讚的。
12 In a loud voice they were saying: “Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!”

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:

1. 為幾內亞比索禱告:幾內亞比索位於西非。1974年擺脫葡萄牙幾個世紀的統治獨立後,該國經歷了數十年的嚴重政治和軍事動盪,阻礙了進步和發展。 這導致了經濟疲軟、失業率高、腐敗、貧窮、暴力和人口販運。 儘管情況嚴峻,幾內亞比索仍允許宗教自由,基督徒因其人道主義工作在此地受到高度尊重。 來自拉丁美洲和亞洲的傳教士人數正在增加,許多非穆斯林群體信主。 讚美神,由於基督徒工人的數量不斷增加,福音的種子在許多民族中被種下。 祈求上帝打開主流穆斯林群體的心,使他們接受基督為他們的救主。
Pray for Guinea-Bissau. Guinea-Bisau is located in West Africa. Following independence from centuries of Portuguese rule in 1974, the country has suffered decades of severe political and military unrest, which has stunted progress and development. This has resulted in a weak economy, high unemployment, corruption, poverty, violence, and trafficking. Despite the dire circumstances, Guinea-Bissau allows freedom of religion, and Christians are held in high regard because of their humanitarian work. The number of missionaries from Latin America and Asia is on the rise, and there are converts from many of the non-Muslim people groups. Praise God for the rising number of Christian workers and for the seed of the gospel being planted among many of the people groups. Pray that God would open the hearts of those from the dominant Muslim people groups to receive Christ as Lord and Savior.

2. 為新家人禱告:感恩節前後的主日共有17位弟兄姊妹受洗歸入主的名下。請為這些新家人禱告,求神堅固他們的信心,加入團契小組過肢體生活,接受裝備造就在真理上成長,預備行各樣善事,榮耀主。
Pray for New Believers. There are 17 people receive their baptism on the Sundays before and after Thanksgiving Day. Pray that the Lord would strengthen their faith, they would join small groups, grow in the knowledge of God, and prepare to do every good work to glorify God.

3. 為長執同工禱告:為教會的長老以及執事們禱告,求神給他們智慧與力量,發展教會敬拜、宣教、裝備、團契、關懷、財務、庶務、媒體事工,平衡發展教會,成為一個健康榮耀神的教會。
Pray for Elders and Deacons. Pray that the Lord would give our elders and deacons wisdom and strength to develop our worship, missions, equipping, fellowship, care, finance, operation, and media ministries to result in a healthy church to glorify God.

4. 為牧養同工禱告:為教會各團契小組的輔導與小組長禱告,求神給他們愛心、耐心牧養造就弟兄姊妹學習彼此相愛,生命成長改變。求神給他們智慧帶領弟兄姊妹同心合意興旺福音。
Pray for Advisers and Group Leaders. Pray that the Lord would give them love and patience in ministering to their group members, so they would love one another and grow in their spirituality. Pray that the Lord would give them wisdom to lead their groups to reach out to the communities in unity.

5. 為肢體禱告:為你所知道身體欠安的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復身體的健康。
Pray for the Sick. Pray for the brothers and sisters you know who are in poor health, and ask God to heal them and restore them to good health.