一、本週經文Scriptures:約翰福音3:3-8 John
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.” 4 “How can someone be born when they are old?” Nicodemus asked. “Surely they cannot enter a second time into their mother’s womb to be born!” 5 Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. 6 Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. 7 You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born again.’ 8 The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”
二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:
1. 為2025年美國蒙受恩典禱告:求主保守美國和平與穩定,不讓刀劍經過這地。願祢的愛澆灌這個地土,使更多人認識祢的救恩,並經歷祢的同在。願上帝祝福政府、政黨領袖都能敬畏祢,讓美國行在正直與公義的道路上。願主的榮耀遍滿這地,讓美國走向祢的命定,成為列國萬民的見證!
Prayer for US to receive grace in 2025. Lord, we pray for Your protection over the United States, asking for peace and stability to prevail, and that no sword may pass through this land. May Your love be poured out upon this nation, leading more people to know Your salvation and experience Your presence. We ask for Your blessing upon the government and the leaders of political parties, that they may fear You and guide the nation on the path of righteousness and justice. Let Your glory fill this land, and may the United States fulfill its divine destiny, becoming a testimony to all nations and peoples!
2. 為各國病毒疫情禱告:為全球此刻面臨的病毒疫情來禱告,特別是為日本A型流感與中國大陸hMPV疫情,求祢醫治患者,使他們早日康復,願祢的平安臨到受影響的家庭,在困難中仍能經歷祢的保護與恩典,並保守醫護人員的健康與力量。求祢賜智慧給各國政府與防疫單位,能妥善應對,減少病毒傳播。
Prayer for the Global Pandemic Situation. We lift up prayers for the ongoing global pandemic, especially for the outbreak of Type A influenza in Japan and the hMPV epidemic in mainland China. Lord, we ask for Your healing upon the patients, that they may recover quickly. May Your peace be with the affected families, allowing them to experience Your protection and grace even in these challenging times. We pray for the health and strength of healthcare workers. Grant wisdom to the governments and health authorities of all nations, enabling them to respond effectively and reduce the spread of the virus.
3. 為2025新就任的同工禱告:求主賜智慧、能力、謀略,愛心及耐心在所有的同工身上,讓他們在2025年能為主爭戰得勝,繼續為主得地為業,並且生養眾多,使洛福教會在迎接55周年時,看見復興。我們也求主使同工常常願意追求聖靈充滿,有屬靈的看見與洞察力,看穿黑暗勢力的詭計,為了大使命奔跑不放棄,竭力保守合一的心,使洛福教會成為社區的祝福。
Pray for 2025 all the co-workers. We pray that the Lord grants wisdom, strength, counsel, love, and patience to all the co-workers, enabling them to fight and win spiritual battles for the Lord in 2025. May they continue to claim the land for God and be fruitful and multiply, so that as we’re approaches its 55th anniversary, we may witness revival.
4. 為教會弟兄姊妹禱告:求神幫助弟兄姊妹對神有渴慕的心,經歷聖靈的更新與轉化,願意委身禱告為世界、國家、教會、家庭、個人禱告,接受造就裝備,能活出基督門徒的樣式討神的喜悅,並致力於完成神所交託給教會的使命。
Pray for Our Church. Pray that people would seek for God constantly. Pray that people would experience the renewal and transformation from the Holy Spirit as to devote themselves in prayer, receive training and equipping, and commit themselves in the Lord’s commission to His disciples.
5. 為肢體禱告:為你所知道身體欠安的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復身體的健康。
Pray for the brothers and sisters you know who are in poor health. Ask God to heal them and restore their physical health.