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OR |
線上付款/Online Billpay
Q |
如何設定銀行線上付款作為教會奉獻? |
How to set up Online Bill Pay for church offering? |
A |
登入您要使用的銀行帳戶,並選擇 online bill pay (線上支付帳單)功能 |
Login to your preferred bank account and select Online Bill Pay |
Q |
線上支付帳單(online billpay)功能說明 |
How does “online billpay” work? |
A |
新增EFCLA 為您的付款對象,您的銀行將會自動幫你製作支票、並幫您郵寄給教會。 |
Setup EFCLA as one of the Payee and the bank will mail a check to the church. |
Q |
我應該指定EFCLA 為個人或公司? |
Should I add it as a person or a company? |
A |
請把EFCLA設定為: 其他公司: Evangelical Formosan Church of Los Angeles |
Setup as Other Company: Evangelical Formosan Church of Los Angeles. |
Q |
我應該在帳號處填什麼? |
What should I put for Account Number? |
A |
洛福教會將根據您過去奉獻使用的名字與住址記錄您的奉獻紀錄,所以當您設定好您的online bill pay (線上支付帳單)功能,您無須填入帳號,但請以G = 一般奉獻,M = 宣教奉獻,C = 關懷奉獻等做為區別) 例如:若您要奉獻$500元, 請在 Account Number處填入: G$500 – 教會就視為一般奉獻。 |
EFCLA will keep the checks with your name and address so there is no need to input an account number. Instead, please use this section to categorize your offering (G = General, M = Mission, C = Caring). For example, Account Number: G$500 M$200 C$100 |
Q |
洛福教會的住址及電話? |
What is EFCLA Address and Phone Number? |
A |
9537 Telstar Ave #101, El Monte, CA 91731, 6264507676 | |
Q |
如何確認教會有收到我的(線上支付帳單)支票? |
How to confirm EFCLA receive my Bill Pay offering? |
A |
請以電話詢問,或以電郵info@efcla.org 查詢,我們將在收到支票後,以電子郵件回覆您。 |
Send an email request to info@efcla.org, once office receive the check, will reply with an email confirmation. |