7-31-2024 洛福週三晚上7:30禱告事項 Prayer List
一﹑本週經文Scripture:以賽亞書6:1-3 Isaiah
1 In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord, high and exalted, seated on a throne; and the train of his robe filled the temple. 2 Above him were seraphim, each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying. 3 And they were calling to one another: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.”
二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:
1. 為下半年面臨選舉的國家禱告:2024年七月以後有一些國家將進入大選,如美國、斯里蘭卡、巴西、烏拉圭、帛琉、委內瑞拉等。求神將屬天的性情賜給執政掌權者,也願神的心意在列國成就。祝福正面臨選舉的國家,不致產生政局的動亂、社會的危機,使掌權者能有從神來的智慧治理國家。
Pray for countries facing elections in the second half of the year. After July of 2024, several countries, including the USA, Sri Lanka, Brazil, Uruguay, Palau, and Venezuela, will hold elections. May God grant heavenly wisdom to those in positions of authority, and may His will be accomplished among the nations. Let us pray for elected countries that they may experience stability and avoid political turmoil or social crises, and that their leaders may govern with wisdom from God.
2.為暑期短宣隊禱告:為參與七月台灣西海岸短宣及本地El Cajon跨文化短宣的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神保守他們身體健康,能適應台灣及美國本地炎熱的氣候與飲食,求神合一的靈充滿他們,同心合意向當地的學生、孩童、家長見證主耶穌,求神感動的學生、孩童、家庭成員,願意接受耶穌基督做他們生命的救主。
Pray for Taiwan West Coast & El Cajon STM Team. Pray for the STM members who are going to the Taiwan West Coast and El Cajon (Local STM). They could adapt to either Taiwan or California’s hot weather and food. Pray that they would love one another and share the gospel in one accord. In addition, God would stir the hearts of students in Taiwan and Families in El Cajon to accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior.
3. 為迎新招待關懷事工禱告:近期教會每週都有許多的新朋友(慕道朋友)參與主日敬拜,請繼續為弟兄姊妹熱心邀請慕道朋友禱告,期待新朋友會被基督徒的愛和神的話語感動,願意尋求神。讓在第一線服事的同工(招待、迎新)更有熱情、愛心、耐心來接待主日來到教會的所有弟兄姐妹及新朋友。也讓新加入教會的朋友可以在教會找到歸屬感。
Pray for the hospitality and welcome team. Our church has seen many newcomers joining our Sunday service recently. Please pray for our brothers and sisters to continue inviting these newcomers. Let us anticipate that new friends will be touched by love of Christian and the Word of God. May our hospitality team exhibit even more enthusiasm, love, and patience in welcoming those who come to church. May newcomers find belonging within the church.
4. 為教會的長執提名禱告:教會在10月份的和會會提名新一批的長老執事。禱告聖靈可以感動,引導新的長老執事參與教會的服事,按照使徒行傳第六章的描述: 「大有信心,聖靈充滿」,長執團隊可以和牧師室同工很好地配搭服事。
Pray for the nomination of the elders and deacons of the church. Pray The church will nominate a new batch of elders and deacons at the congregational meeting in October. Pray that the Holy Spirit can inspire and guide new elders and deacons to participate in the service of the church. According to the description in Chapter 6 of Acts: “Have great faith and be filled with the Holy Spirit”. The elders and deacons’ team can work well with the staff in the pastor’s office.
5. 為肢體禱告:為身體欠安的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復身心靈的健康。
Pray for the Sick. Pray that the Lord would heal those who are sick and restore their heath and strength.
8-7-2024 洛福週三晚上7:30禱告事項 Prayer List
一﹑本週經文Scripture:列王記下 20:13 2 Kings
13 希西家聽從使者的話,就把他寶庫的金子、銀子、香料、貴重的膏油,和他武庫的一切軍器,並他所有的財寶,都給他們看。他家中和他全國之內,希西家沒有一樣不給他們看的。
13 Hezekiah received the envoys and showed them all that was in his storehouses—the silver, the gold, the spices and the fine olive oil—his armory and everything found among his treasures. There was nothing in his palace or in all his kingdom that Hezekiah did not show them.
二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:
1. 為教會的長執提名禱告:教會在10月份的和會會提名新一批的長老執事。禱告聖靈可以感動,引導新的長老執事參與教會的服事,按照使徒行傳第六章的描述: 「大有信心,聖靈充滿」,長執團隊可以和牧師室同工很好地配搭服事。
Pray for the nomination of the elders and deacons of the church. Pray The church will nominate a new batch of elders and deacons at the congregational meeting in October. Pray that the Holy Spirit can inspire and guide new elders and deacons to participate in the service of the church. According to the description in Chapter 6 of Acts: “Have great faith and be filled with the Holy Spirit”. The elders and deacons’ team can work well with the staff in the pastor’s office.
2. 為教會禱告:求神激勵弟兄姊妹對神有渴慕尋求的心,藉著靈修讀經禱告,更深認識主。與弟兄姐妹更多地彼此交通、團契,守望、代禱,成為彼此的幫助和祝福。
Pray for our church. We pray that God will inspire brothers and sisters to have a longing and seeking heart for God, to know the Lord more deeply through spiritual reading of the Bible and prayer. May they have more fellowship with one another, watch over and pray for each other, become helpers and blessings to one another.
3. 為八月家庭月主日學禱告:求主帶領弟兄姊妹學習如何以愛溝通,建立和睦的家庭、親子和人際關係,竭力追求在言語行為上都能做光作鹽,作主見證。
Prayer for August family month Sunday school. We pray that the Lord will guide brothers and sisters to learn how to communicate with love, establish harmony in families, parent-child, interpersonal relationships, and strive to pursue being the light and salt in words and actions, being a testimony for the Lord.
4. 為肢體禱告:為你所知道身體欠安的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復的健康。
Pray for the Sick. Pray that the Lord would heal those who are sick and restore their heath and strength.
5. 為土耳其、敘利亞禱告:2023年發生的土耳其和敘利亞強震,共造成逾5.9萬人死亡,720萬個兒童受害。在大地震之後, 許多孩子仍無法順利回到家園與家人相聚,也無法順利就學,面臨失學危機。求主供應這些孩子一切所需與支援,也求主憐恤、幫助這些遭遇災難的人們,賜下屬天的平安。
Pray for Turkey and Syria. In the earthquake that occurred in Turkey and Syria in 2023, it caused over 59,000 deaths and 7.2 million children were affected. After the earthquake, many children are still unable to return home to reunite with their families and cannot attend school smoothly, facing the risk of dropping out. We pray that the Lord will provide all the necessary support for these children, have mercy and help those who have experienced disasters, and grant them heavenly peace.